Well, at least my hands are warm!


Okay let’s say something funny happens with your child and you forget to take a picture before you intervene in the situation.  Is it wrong to recreate the situation for a photo op?  Man I sure hope not!

When I came in today Greyson had a blanket over his crib that was draped down over him.  Upon closer inspection I realized it had fallen down onto his face.  That didn’t seem very pleasant so I started to pull back the blanket when I realized it was stuck.  Hmmmm…………stuck to what you ask?  Well apparently Greyson had started sucking on the edge of the blanket, probably got tired, and stopped.  This allowed his saliva to dry.  Now Greyson’s saliva is great at undoing glue, yet when it dries becomes its own very potent form of glue.  The blanket had dried to his lip and was stuck!  Being a concerned father I sprang into action.  I quickly grabbed a fish (medical term for a little green container of saline) and applied it to his lip, freeing my son from the death grip of the blanket.  Only then did it hit me, that was kind of funny.  I should have taken a picture of it!  So I took the blanket and put it back over his head and snapped a quick picture.  Ironically the picture wasn’t as funny as the actual event.  Before you think to ill of me let me say that Greyson’s response to the whole event was simply to lay there sleeping like nothing was happening.

Greyson had a good day.  His midnight gas came back with quite a bit of improvement.  He had dropped his c02 to 62 which is great.  It was good enough that right before his noon gas the RT (respitory therapist) grabbed his sheet and went and talked to the Dr.  She came back and said we could wait until midnight for his next gas, saving him at least one poke for the day.  Why only one poke?  Well awhile back Stacy and I signed the consent form for the first round of his immunizations.  They were going to give them to him but waited because they had started him on the steroids.  Well he’s been off the steroids long enough that today was the big day.  They did this after we were gone and we called in awhile ago to hear how it went.  He got upset (who wouldn’t it was five shots!).  His nurse tonight said that he thought Greyson got more upset by being held down than by the pain of the shots.  Either way he seems to have made it through everything OK.

As you can see the picture I am using today was not the recreation of the blanket incident.  This seemed a better picture.  Greyson was getting agitated by the cpap and trying to pull it off with his hands.  Unfortunately when he tried to pull on it he was scratching around his eyes so Stacy put the mittens she had made on him.  I think he likes them!

In about 45 minutes I’ll call and get his midnight gasses.  We are praying he is continuing to do well.  I would love to say that I will post an update with the results before morning, but I’ll probably get sucked into watching TV and won’t get it done.  TV is something I can do now that school is out.  Oh how great it feels to be on Christmas Vacation!!

Hope everyone is well,

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5 thoughts on “Well, at least my hands are warm!

  1. Very cute! We like the mittens. Elizabeth is so happy that Stacy finished them! She wants you to know she thinks you did a great job! (This is a very nice complement coming from our little one that has high expectations!) Tell Greyson we are sorry about the shots! We know they are not fun! We love all three of you so very much!

  2. Yea Stacy! You got the other mitten done. Way to go girl! I am so impressed. I will never be able to knit(it would require someone teaching me to be very patient) but I think it is so cool that you just picked it up and tried again and figured it out. Very Cool. As for Bob there is not a parent on the planet that has not tried to recreate a good photo op. Unfortunately it usually doesn’t turn out as well as the original. It is so wonderful to read that Greyson is doing so well. Seems as though your Christmas Vacation is off to a great start with numbers that keep getting better for Greyson. Do you think I could hire Stacy and tell my kids I knitted things for them or is that way wrong? Ha ha just kidding.

    Love You Three,

    The Sebrights

  3. Hi,
    I’ve tried a couple of times to send something, but it doesn’t seem to take it. Hope I’m doing it right.
    We have really been enjoying your daily comments and upgrades on Greyson. We didn’t know about Greyson until we attended Patty McCrary’s memorial service. We met Margaret Scott and she emailed me your web site, etc. What a great way to keep us informed!
    He is quite the miracle baby! Very cute also! Bob, I love your pictures and especially the headings and comments!
    This has gotten to be a daily thing for us to check on your website and see how Greyson is doing. We have you (all three) in our prayers daily!
    Love ya!
    The Brelinskis

  4. Seasonal Greetings: Bob, Stacy, & Greyson!
    Been reading with much interest your great reporting on the progress of growing Greyson. Hoping and praying with you for continued progress.
    Also our Pastor Don Bergland and church prayer team have been joined in with prayer support. I try to keep them updated.
    Its great to see Greyson’s weight gaining. Wonder what we would look like if we all gained the same percentage in the same period of time?!

    Be assurred of our continued interest, love, & prayers,

    Gordon & Naomi

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