This morning Greyson woke up and was wound up immediately. It was as if he remembered all the toys he opened up last night and was dying to go play with them. Once we came out and started playing, he played so hard that he wouldn’t let himself go to sleep. He would be almost asleep and then roll over and play with a different toy. Finally we had to take him in to his pack and play and take all his toys away so he would settle down long enough for a nap. He did and then we played some more. It was a fun day.
I spent the day loading video of Greyson onto the computer so we can edit it down to something watchable (well it’s all Greyson so it’s all watchable, but you know what I mean) and get it down to just a DVD or two highlighting the last year. I was amazed to watch some of the footage from events over the course of this last year. WOW!
From our family to everyone who reads this, Merry Christmas. You know Jesus is more than just the reason for the Season. He is the ultimate expression of God’s love for us. May you know and experience the love of God more than you ever have before during this Christmas season.
We certainly have experienced God’s love this past year. Thank you for not letting us forget! Have another great day playing…Gram and Papa
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here. It was tagged under my favorites until my computer died back in October. (Hopefully to be fixed soon)
It was a lot of reading to catch up on, but so worth it. Cute pictures! You guys have really kept the site going, I love all the updates, thanks!
Merry Christmas Westfalls!
How exciting to watch what God has done. I just downloaded my new camera and I had 276 pictures, more than 1/2 are Greyson. He is a popular little boy and so cute. Now I am going to try to put them on Walgreens so you can see them too. We’ll see how that goes, I may have to make a call to you. I’m having a hard time not to call up on the webcam, I don’t want to wear out my welcome. I just love that though.
Have a great day
Love Grandma
Greyson looks so determined! That must be a fun toy. This past year has been one of miracles in big and small ways. Just looking at your baby boy shows God’s love for us. Merry Christmas to you three too! Let us be the first to say, “Happy New Year” too! Won’t it be fun to see what happens in 2009?
It appears that you have this game toy down to a fine science.
You look so serious and are concentrating so hard – I just know you are a very smart young man.
Enjoy all those gifts and due to our weather, you have one more coming. It’s not a toy, but I think you’ll like it. KJ says it’s neat because it can be turned inside out! So, we’ll see what you think.
With hugs,
Judy, KJ and family