OK so I’m behind again, what else is new. Still haven’t posted any of Greyson’s birthday pictures, until now….and I’m only posting this one and maybe one more. Sorry. We’ve been busy with life and I need to get busy and update this blog for those of you who want to know what is going on!
Well we had Greyson’s party last week. Yep, he’s three. Still hard to believe. The party was a blast with a lot of Greyson’s friends and many of Greyson’s relatives from Bob’s side. This picture was from the party when a couple boys from church decided to help Greyson run around the yard.
This week we took Greyson to his school and he got to meet his teacher. She is awesome and we know that Greyson is going to have a blast. We are unsure how long he will get to go as we will have to pull him out of school if it seems there are too many respiratory bugs going around.
OK so I will try to get some more pictures up soon, or some video…or both. In the meantime know that he is still growing, learning, delighting, and trying his best to praise the Lord. He still doesn’t have his vocal cords moving yet, but more and more people are praying and we know that God is at work in the midst of this time. Keep praying, keep believing, and we will rejoice in all that God is doing as we wait for his voice to return!
Yes we let him eat a little cake for his birthday. We were cautious but just couldn’t keep food from him on his birthday! So, on his third birthday, Greyson finally ate a little of his cake!!! Ahhh this is the life!