Here lamby, I’ll keep you company.


Greyson loves to sleep with his lamb, and we got this picture of him actually putting his arm around it as he fell asleep. 

So yesterday and today have been good days.  I actually took Stacy out for dinner last night (no where really nice as most places close up by 9pm).  We settled on Red Robin once we realized it was too late for most places to be open.  It was nice to go out of the house with her for a change.  Then today we went out to lunch (Arby’s, no one ever said I wasn’t a romantic!) and went to a graduation party for one of the teens from church. 

As far as Greyson goes, well he’s still pressing on.  Today he did 14 minutes off the vent (two 7 minutes sessions) and he seemed to do fine with it.  It seems like he sometimes struggles a little bit to get into a groove with his breathing, but always does OK and is usually breathing more “normally” by the end of his time off the vent.  Tomorrow he will get two 8 minute sessions so we’ll see how that goes. 

We now take down his cuff during the day and have really enjoyed listening to him tell us stories.  He seems to be slowly learning how to make different noises, and that the noise he is hearing is coming from him.  He’s developing and we are thankful to see the progress he is making. 

*Note to the Ryan’s.  I said I was going to post something special for you, but didn’t get a chance to make it.  Keep watching the blog and hopefully I’ll get it on here in the next couple of days.  Sorry it is going to be late!

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7 thoughts on “Here lamby, I’ll keep you company.

  1. Greyson’s little lamb is so cute. it’s so sweet that he is such a cuddler.
    hey and red robin has bottom-less fries! that’s pretty fancy! haha. love their burgers, and salads!
    Congrats on the 8 min!! that is so exciting that he is so ready. and to me sounds good that he stuggles a little bit and then pulls through. sounds like he’s working the lungs in a good way! but i’m no nurse, haha, that’s just my logic.
    you should totally capture some of his noises! it’s so cool to watch the babies discover things. to me it makes me feel so small compared to God. He is such a creator. just the process of babies growing, i don’t know how people can’t believe.
    I hope you guys are continuely blessed daily!

  2. We will patiently await the surprise! We agree with Tiffany that we would love to hear a Greyson story. You know I do believe you have a small, portable camcorder for just that reason. 🙂
    We are so glad to hear that Greyson is doing well and you and Stacy got to go out on a date. (I am pretty sure that we taught you better than Arby’s Bob-did you forget your wallet too and Stacy had to pay?)
    We love you! Have a great day!

  3. ok now that the cat isnt trying to help me type maybe my post will actually make it! Greyson you are just adorable. All of the John Deer pictures are the best….I just love it. You seem to be doing great during your minutes of freedom from the vent and I love it that you like to talk. We sure can’t wait until we can come for a visit. Sounds like all three of you are doing very well and that is SO NICE to hear!

    Love Ya,
    Aunt Tam

  4. Such good news and not that we would put any pressure on you but I would so love a video with all the sounds he his making. I love it when a baby first start gooing and cooing. He is doing so well and I am so excited to see him again. He looks so cute with his lamb. Keep up the good work off the vent, in no time this will all be behind you and you can be free to do all the things you want.

    Love ya

  5. I loved seeing Greyson rub his face into that little lamb as he was fighting sleep. He is a typical little kid! Seems the doctors were right, saying he may be off that vent by the end of summer. How precious it will be to hold him and play with him without the extra hoses. I can hardly wait. I received a jury summons for the first two weeks of July. Guess I will have to make this one since the last one was deferred due to Greyson’s birth. This will cut into my Grammie time for July but I’m still planning on hanging out with you guys some. Greyson your Grammie loves you and your Mom is going to kiss your toes just for me. Hugs….M and D

  6. Greyson, way to go buddy! And to think you may be off the ventilator by the end of summer. Keep up the good work!

    We’re so glad your mom and dad got to go to dinner. We all love the Red Robin and we’re betting you’ll like it too!

    Rest well young Greyson and be well

    Judy & Family

  7. Way to go Greyson! You are making such good progress. My oldest son had a lamb that he slept with. It was a wind up stuffed animal that played Jesus Loves Me. He is now almost 12 years old and we still have it—though he doesn’t sleep with it anymore:) This picture and the lamb are definitely a keepsake! Enjoy these moments, because children grow up way too quickly. It is wonderful to hear you two had a night out! That, too, is something to treaure:) Take care, Dawn

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