I’ve taken over daddy’s spot, maybe I need a shave too.


Yes that’s right, Greyson is laying in our bed (in my spot to be exact!) and as you can see he settled in rather quickly.  While it took time out of her sleeping time both Stacy and I really enjoyed having him in bed with us, even for a short time.  At one point Stacy was trying to sleep (she has the early morning shift) and Greyson was pushing on her back with both hands like “hey, don’t roll over one me!”  Then again the way he was sprawled out maybe he was just trying to make more room for himself!  Must be having flashbacks to the huge bed he had in the PICU.So today he was off the ventilator for a total of 10 minutes.  Pretty cool stuff.  At this point we don’t really get to enjoy the time off the ventilator by doing anything special, we just unhook him and watch him very closely to see how he is doing.  As we get a bit further out and we are confident in how he’s doing we will try to utilize that time a bit more for something fun (like taking a quick trip to another room for a different view!).  God is good and we are thankful for all he has done for us.

Oh by the way, for those who are curious, Greyson is over 17 pounds now!!

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5 thoughts on “I’ve taken over daddy’s spot, maybe I need a shave too.

  1. I just knew your were tipping the scales. Way to go Buddy!! We are so proud that you are doing so well off the vent. Hopefully soon you will be able to go outside and explore. Have a wonderful day! We love you….Gram and Papa

  2. That is so cool Greyson that you are getting off that vent. I bet it was nice to sleep with mommy and daddy in the big bed. I think your mom was playing possum in the picture though, you looked like you were the real deal. Your mom and dad are getting better and better at this working with all the equipment and you too. Every day is a new adventure. Your aunt Sandra had surgery yesterday and it lasted for 4 hrs. She had a drain tube and is very sore. We were talking about how brave you have been and how lucky you won’t remember everything when you grow up. Take care and don’t forget I love you very much.

  3. haha. i was wondering how big he is! All the new parents come by and look at your guys pictures on our kangaroo borad and i always love to tell them how big that little baby is!! and they all love to hear that that little guy is big and still growing, and is heathly. I can’t believe is has progresso so well so quick with the vent thing. i bet he was wondering when you guys were finally gonna let him do his own thing. and loving the bed pictures, looks like that’s where he’s belonged from day one.

  4. Greyson is such a cutie! My favorite time with my kids is when they are cuddling with us too. He is a smart little guy for grabbing the remote first thing! It shows who has the power in your house! 🙂 You guys are great! We can’t wait to come and visit! Love you all bunches!

  5. Congratulations to you Greyson for getting off the ventilator for 10 minutes – you are doing so well and we thank God for his healing touch.

    And 17 lbs. – wow! How far you’ve come.

    We wish you all a good weekend.

    Goodnight young Greyson, rest well and be well.

    Judy & family

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