Hey I tried.

So no picture or video for tonight.  I thought about just not posting anything but decided a few words is better than nothing.  Today was Sunday so Stacy took most of last night so I didn’t look like I was up all night when I went to church today.  We had a nurse this morning so Stacy got some sleep then and got a nice nap this afternoon while I watched Greyson.  Currently she is sleeping on the floor in Greyson’s room (where I’m typing this from the chair.  I told her the bed is more comfortable but she wanted to be close to her boys.  I think it is just the feeling of not wanting to go sleep in the bed all alone again, which I completely understand.  It is a bit ironic but while we will be together all week we will only be sleeping in the same room for three nights this week (four if you count tonight!).  Ahhh the challenges of parenthood.

That being said Greyson did well again on his ventilator free time.  16 minutes total today (two sessions of 8 minutes).  We have to give him some oxygen blow by sometimes but it is just a little wiff of extra oxygen and he does just fine.  Tomorrow we’ll move up to 9 minutes.  At this rate he will give me a great fathers day present of being off the vent for a total of 30 minutes!  If he makes it to that we will not increase it anymore until after we see the Dr. again to have him checked out.  So far it seems like we will make it to 30 minutes as he really has been doing well so far.

So today Greyson was laying on his boppy (the horseshoe shaped pillow not the bumbo chair) and he rolled onto his side (downward) so he was at the bottom of the boppy on his side with his face pressing into the floor.  Then he rolled some more and was basically on his stomach!  Stacy has seen this once before but it was a first for me.  So this afternoon we left him to roll around flat on the floor to see what he would do.  While he didn’t roll over he sure came close and was easily getting up onto his side.  He just needs to learn how to throw his leg a little further forward while he’s on his side (or shift his hips) and he will be rolling from his back to his stomach.  This is both good and bad as he doesn’t always remember to make sure the vent circuit is positioned properly for such a feat.  We will have to keep our eyes a bit closer on him now!  I think that’s progress!

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4 thoughts on “Hey I tried.

  1. I think that is amazing progress, once he learns he can roll around, you will really have to be on your toes. Not that you aren’t already. It is so fun to hear how you and Stacy make it all work, again you are both doing a great job. Just look at how well Greyson is doing. I am so glad you wrote in the blog tonight even if you didn’t have a picture. Isn’t it fun watching Greyson do new things every day? Keep up the good work.

    Love ya mom

  2. Oh my gosh he is growing toooooo fast already! It is sooooo much fun to see them learn new things but also sad that they grow! He is so precious, I can’t waiti to meet him! I am so happy that he is learning but most of all being off the vent for these longer periods of time! And you and Stacy need to get out even if its just going to arbys! We ger wrapped up in being loving parents to out children and forget ourselves so take time out for each other Greyson can be loved by others while you are on a date!!! Thank you for keeping this site going as I look forward to seeing it almost everyday! Love to you all!

  3. Hey Bob, Stacy and Greyson. We have had our computers down for a week here at SGO. I’ve had Greyson withdrawl. So it was really fun to get my computer back and check up on you guys. We’re so glad Grammie Jo had a visit. Uncle Dick is here and says what a big boy Grayson is . We were wondering if the hat, overalls and John Deer toys were from Grandpa Gary. So glad to here that Greyson is doing so well off the vent. We sure love that little guy. It sounds like you and Stacy take everything in stride and God has blessed you so greatly. Bob when you were telling about the Doctor visit and Greyson looking up at you as if to say,”Dad why are you letting them do this.” It reminded me of one time when Shelli took Elijah in for shots. The nurse gave him one and then one more. He looked up at Shelli and said,”that’s not very nice to stick people with needles.” Shelli said it really made the nurse feel bad. So you two have alot to look foward to. Better start writting it all down. Well I better hush for now and get home. Take care and God Bless.

  4. I thought maybe he was going to roll over when I was there. He sure is getting it. This is a little late in coming. Work is all encompassing right now. Love you all so much. Mom and Dad

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