Who’s ready to play? I am! I am!


So today went by incredibly fast.  We met with a lot of people today which kept things racing forward.  Speech came by and worked with us and Greyson to try to prepare him for a swallow study.  Unfortunately he is not quite ready for that yet, but we will keep working with him to try to get him to a point where they can do the study.

We also met with the Dr. and he said from his perspective Greyson is basically ready to go home.  The pulmonary specialist will check in on him either tonight or tomorrow and lay out any additional changes that will have to be made before he thinks Greyson can be discharged.  We also met with the discharge planner and learned there is a slight hitch in the home plans.  Apparently many companies are having trouble getting respitory therapists to work for them so they can’t supply ventilators (you have to have an RT availible at all times to service the ventilators).  She is meeting with a company on Thursday that might be a possibility so pray that everything will work out with that.  We also haven’t heard form the nursing company, although they told the discharge nurse that it would be fine.  She is supposed to call them again today to check on that.  So basically it seems like we are down to finishing our training, lining up the equipment and nursing, and getting this guy home!  We are praying this can happen quickly as we are more than ready to try this all out in the home environment.

Today I did the trach care solo, and suctioned Greyson completely solo (no one else was in the room, not even Stacy!).  We are both feeling more comfortable with all his care, although when we stop and think about it we can easily get overwhelmed.  I guess the key is to keep moving fast so we don’t have a chance to stop and think!

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5 thoughts on “Who’s ready to play? I am! I am!

  1. Wow, what a day you have had! It looks like you did have some time to enjoy your son and have some play time. We are so very happy for you and will be praying that God will provide (as he always has) for all the pieces to fall in place and happen quickly. What a sweet face your little Greyson has. We are getting so excited. Sending our love…Mom and Dad

  2. Way to go Bob! You said you would do it and look at that you did. I am proud of you. Keep up the good work the two of you. You are amazing!!!

  3. I wish our company was there because we have an Rt on staff.
    I am sure they will find someone. It is so exciting to hear all the things falling into place and that really soon he will be home. You two are doing so great and I’m sure you are right, it is best not to think about it too much- just do it. Looks like Greyson was doing the reach for your nose trick.

    Love ya

  4. I’m sure you are SO ready to go home….you two will do such a good job caring for him and he will be lucky to have his own room, toys, quietness, and everything else! I say you steal a couple nurses and an RT from the hospital and you will be set for home care…I wish I could do it!! 🙂

  5. We love you guys and keep you in our prayers. You are wonderful, God given parents with a special little fellow to show for it. You will be fine. Much love, Billie and Krystal

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