Well in this case it might, but we are going to stick to methodon and adivan. What in the world am I talking about? Well today they took away Greyson’s feel good medications, otherwise known as narcotics. He was on these narcotics so long that unfortunately he is going to go through some withdrawls. We’ve already started to see this today and it is not fun at all. He has been crying a lot and his heart rate has been quite high. Moral of the story? Don’t do drugs!
This has been a big day in a lot of ways. Greyson was moved to a new room for a short time, then he was moved again to another room that was on the other end of the hall. The good news is that this is all a part of the going home process. The discharge nurse called this room the “launching pad to home”. We are still a ways out but certainly getting closer all the time!
We knew it was coming today and they did switch Greyson over to the home style ventilator. So far he seems to be doing OK. The first blood gas they did came back fine. They want to do another but are waiting until he wakes up as he finally fell asleep.
A person from physical therapy saw Greyson today and worked with him a little, she said he was doing very well. Tomorrow the speach thearapist will meet with us again and we will work on oral skills. The nice thing is it will be the same speach therapist as he saw in the NICU, so she will be able to judge how he is doing after his “sick” time in the PICU. Today Greyson sucked on a pacifier which was encouraging to us as he really hasn’t taken one since he has been in the PICU. I guess you remember things like how to suck when you are going through drug withdrawls, and nothing takes the edge off like sucking on a pacifier. I may have to get one for Stacy.
So I know there is going to be a lot of people complaining that there is no picture today. So instead of giving me grief I’m recomending you look at the picture from two days ago, he’s still that cute. In reality we left in a bit of a hurry and didn’t realize we left the camera on the computer table. So you’ll have to wait till tomrrow.
YAY! i’m so glad he is on the lauch pad! and glad to hear that the vent change went well so far. I think we all need a pacifier once in a while, Greyson is the only one that can use it and not get looked at funny. I loved the previous pics! i haven’t seen one of him smiling yet! he looks like he is doing really well.
It is hard to read about our little one going through drug withdrawl but know this just another step in the process of going home. You could have posted a picture from yesterday or the day before and we wouldn’t have known. Maybe tomorrow you can do two. We have our withdrawls when we don’t get to see him every day. We will pray all goes well with the changes being made. Love to you!!!
I agree, we go through withdrawals when we can’t see a new picture. I will be praying for Greyson and hopefully this withdrawal will not last long and he will be back to smiley faces. I’m sure this is very hard for both of you to watch as well, my all the things you have gone through, only God can give you strength to endure these type of things. Keep focused on the good things and the going home part I can’t wait to see a picture of his new room and his room Stacy is fixing up for him at home. I am glad to hear he took his pacifier though and that will help him to remember to suck.
Little Greyson sleep tight and hopefully you and Stacy will too.
I love you guys so much
Oh poor baby Greyson! I bet you do miss the smiling faces that you were seeing. Hopefully soon he will be in the mood to do them for you! Maybe the pacifier will help!! We sure did miss a picture….I am okay with you sending more than one to make up for it. (hint, hint) 🙂