Quick call a Dr! Oh wait, I’ve got mom.


We continued a bit with medical school last night and we learned how to suction Greyson.  This is a bit of a process since you have to keep everything sterile, and because he just had surgery!  It was a bit of a rough night as they are struggling to keep Greyson’s pain under control.  He is medicated but still “wakes” up a bit and makes a very unhappy face.  It is obvious he is feeling it.  He does well though, if they had done all that to me I would be doing a whole lot more than wiggling a bit and makeing a sad/mad face!   The current plan is to give him a new drug that will make him go into the deepest level of sleep.  We are hoping he can do this and sleep a couple days while his body works on healing.  He looks better than he did yesterday, it is just going to take some time. 

This morning we had breakfast with two friends from the NICU (we stayed in an apartment provided by the hospital for parents last night, Stacy is staying there all week).  Jaemi and Corinne were a great source of encouragment to us and we are so appreciative of their friendship and support.  On top of that Jaemi said she is going to bring us home made enchiladas tonight, YES!!! 

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5 thoughts on “Quick call a Dr! Oh wait, I’ve got mom.

  1. So happy to hear that Greyson is through the surgery and resting well. The new medication sounds like a step forward, he needs to rest and preserve his strength for healing. I hadn’t heard about “floating appys” before – leave it to Greyson to try something new! You three are in my prayers and I will call again this afternoon. I am sorry that my schedule prevents me from stopping by for several days, will look forward to seeing you next week. Meanwhile I continue working on the Neonatal Infection continuing education modules I told you about. I think you could write CE modules for us nurses! Blessings and God’s peace upon you, Alta

  2. Way to go Stacy! You are amazing!!! We are continuing to pray for you three! Hopefully the new meds will help Greyson rest and be able to heal. We love you!

  3. FANTABLOUS…………………………So happy to hear that all is well and surgery is over. Now you all need ot rest for your transition home in a few weeks. Rest, i know it is the hardest things to do for yourself. Do it.
    If you need anything let me know.

  4. I have been thinking of you all almost non-stop. I am thankful that Greyson will be able to rest deeply and wake up and hopefully feel like a new boy. Stacy–I was thinking about you today and about how you will be taking on a lot of medical details for Greyson and I couldn’t think of anyone more capable and detail oriented for the job. I am sure you will do an amazing job caring for his needs (you too Bob, I can just picture folks getting out of the way of Stacy as she tackles the job). God certainly knew what He was doing in giving Greyson the parents that He did! We love you more than words can say. And continue to pray for healing for Greyson and endurance and strength for Mom and Dad.

  5. Hey guys! Way to go with the suctioning. I can imagine it is empowering to be taking over more of Greyson’s care. It was great to see you this morning. (And I am sure your siblings would love to know I could treat you to breakfast since you forgot your wallet, Bob)! It was my pleasure and I would love to do it again sometime. Hope you all can get some rest. And enjoy those fabulous enchiladas!

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