What? No Wii?!!


Today Greyson figured out that Christmas was over and he didn’t get a wii.  He likes his mp3 player but was pretty upset that we tried to make him believe it was a wii.   Greyson continues to do pretty well.  His c02 last night was 60 and at noon it was 58.  These are numbers we can live with!  While they are a little bit higher as long as they stay this low it will be OK.  Yesterday they started weening him off the DEX so he only gets it once a day now. 

Today he also took yet another step towards moving upstairs, he moved out of room C and into room E.  For those who might not be tracking with all these room changes, basically the NICU has rooms from A to E.  Room B, where Greyson has been up till yesterday, is where most of the new admits come and where the sickest babies usually reside.  They also have two isolation rooms off of room A that are used when a baby has surgery.  Anyway all the rooms are connected, just seperated by walls with windows in them so you can literally see from one end to the other.  At least with all the rooms except E, E is across the hall by itself and is where the babies who are doing well go as they wait to be doing well enough to go upstairs to the ICN (intermediate care nursery).  So this is a very positive step for Greyson.  In order to move upstairs he has to be on the Nasal canula full time, right now he is only on it for 3 hours a day while we hold him.  Today was his third day which was how long he made it last time before the canula trials had to be stopped because his blood gas numbers started climbing.  Hopefully he will continue with good gasses and be able to spend more and more time on the canula!

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3 thoughts on “What? No Wii?!!

  1. Its ok Greyson we dont have a wii either. Your other cousins do though and Im sure they will let you play it. 🙂 Good news again for Greyson moving to another room. Things sure seem to move fast around there once they start moving huh? Glad to see Greyson’s Co2 with good numbers again and the nasal canula but he sure doesnt look happy in the picture. He is still just as cute though.

    Love you three,
    The Sebrights

  2. Jon is here spending the night and he says to tell Greyson that they have a wii and he can come and play anytime. Jon thinks bowling on the wii is really hard; however, their whole family is very sore from the workout on the wii of playing all the games.
    So glad Greyson is moving up the ladder of rooms, I wonder where he will be when I get there in just 4 days. Love ya Grandma Terry and Jon.

  3. With that sad face, don’t you just want to go and get it for him? Poor thing! Tell Greyson his time for the Wii will come but just not yet. There is no TV in his room and it would make it difficult for him to play. Until then, we will continue to figure out all the best games and what ones he will just have to get!! Sound okay? We are so glad to hear he is in room E. We have been anxiously awaiting that news since we left! Great news!
    We love you!

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