Oh Girls


Today Greyson, and Stacy, got a suprise visit from Stacy’s old college roomate Julie.  Julie has always been wild and fun so I’m sure they had a great visit.  While Stacy was holding Greyson today she said he kept lifting his head up and turning his head to the other side like he was getting uncomfortable and deciding to switch sides.  He was able to do this all on his own with Stacy only helping with the cpap hoses.

Well we’ve been talking about it for awhile but today was the day Greyson is restarting steroids.  His c02 was 79 last night at midnight and was still in the 70’s when they checked him again at 6am.  The trend in his numbers has not shown improvement like we had hoped so he will start another short round of steroids to give him a push forward.  This will not be as strong of a dose as before but should be enough to help him enough to progress.  We may have to enroll Greyson in anger managment classes if he starts having “roid rage” (yes Debbie that is roid as in steroids, not road as in while driving 😉 ). 

A couple weeks ago in my men’s bible study we were going through Joshua ch. 4 and how God commanded Joshua to set up stones as reminders of the miracle crossing of the Jordan river.  I was talking about how we should erect some form of markers in the midst of our circumstances to serve later as reminders of all God has done for us.  Anyway I’m looking for a 700 gram rock if anyone has one.  It has to be exactly 700 grams and I will use it some day to show Greyson how much he weighed when he was born and to tell him his story of how God has worked in his life.  Anyway any help would be great.

 Also Stacy and I are becoming more and more aware that there are a lot of people reading these updates.  We would love to have you leave us a comment if you haven’t done so already so we will be able to get a better idea of everyone who checks in here.  Just click below on “view comments” and you will see a place to add your own.   **When you first leave a comment it will not be added to the website until I approve it in order to prevent spam.  Once I approve one of your comments the next time you post it should go right through.  Anyway thanks for reading and keeping us in your prayers, it means the world to us! 

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11 thoughts on “Oh Girls

  1. Bob & Stacy…Just wanted to let you to know that I check on Greyson all the time! I am so thankful that you update on here. Love you guys!

  2. Hey! I thought I would stop by and say hi and let you know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I noticed that they started Greyson on steroids again. Hopefully they will give Greyson’s little lungs the push they need to improve his gases. I can’t wait to get back to work and see his cute little face. I’ll see you guys on Christmas! Until then take care, and let Greyson know that he has lots of fans.

  3. Bob, from the other Bob. Just wanted to let you and Stacy know that I check in regularly to see how your family is doing. Thanks for keeping us all up to date.

  4. I like the idea of the rock, I’m going to have to work on that. God has definately performed many miracles in Greysons’ life and we should put a rock for each one. I wish everyone would make a comment because it would show you how many people are praying and how powerful prayer is. Also when Greyson grows up he will see how many people prayed and cared about him.

    I am definately praying for these steroids to really be the answer to our prayers.

    Love you guys.


  5. Ok so I am posting again in the “wii” hours of the night which tends to get me into trouble with “some” of the people that read this. My kids are much older than Greyson, but still “wii” have managed to avoid the”wii” problem! So Bob and Stac I think you are safe for a while. 🙂 We will be sure to contiue to pray for Greyson’s lungs and that the steroids will help give him the little push that he needs. There are SO many people that are praying for this little guy we should expect miracles!

  6. I found out about Greyson and his family from my co-worker John Gile. I have your website in my favorites at home and at work and the first thing I do in the morning is go to it and see how Greyson is doing. I also printed one of his pictures from it and have it hanging on the wall at my office for others to see. What an amazing miracle he is. God has not only blessed you both, but he has also blessed anyone lucky enough to know of Greyson. I hope Greyson continues to progress well and comes home very soon. You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Merry Christmas!

  7. Bob and Stacey, I just found this site everyone has been talking about. Sarah showed me where to find you. I think it is wonderful and have been checking on Greyson daily now. You all are in our prayers and looking forward to the day he comes home.

  8. Greyson, your gram and papa will be there in a few days and you had better be much better. We want to love on you! and give you presents! Hopefully the steriods will do the trick. We love you guys so much and know God is in control. How wonderful to have Julie come see you. Hugs from Mom

  9. Bob, Stacey and Grayson,

    We are thinking of you this Christmas Day and want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    We just heard about you Grayson and we are so delighted that you are here. It’s been quite a struggle, but you’re already a miracle and loved by all.

    Bob & Stacey, know that if there is anything we an help with, call. We are just south of Portland, in West Linn, OR – 503-744-0998.

    Our grandson, Keirin – “KJ” – is 7 years old and the delight of our lives. The years go so fast – and just look at you, you’re getting bigger every day. I know just how much Grandma and Grandpa want to hold you and play with you. Your mama’s mother and dad are such great parents and they are surely taken with you. Grandma says you are so cute and we would certainly agree. It was quite a wonder to watch the video your daddy put on the web.

    We will be checking on you all the time now and adding our prayers to those of others.

    A little background and a bit about us: It was your Great-Great Aunt Donna that told us about your web sight and we all read about you last night and looked at your pictures. This branch of your family includes, Donna Taylor, her son, Jim and me [Judy], our daughter Laura and her son, “KJ” Johnson, Mike, Donna’s son-in-law, his son, Chris, wife Carol and son, Tyler Funk, who is just 15. They left our house just after noon today, Jim too, just in case the weather was a problem – so that they would be in Mitchell tomorrow to say good bye to your Great Grandpa Dale.

    I shall close for now – wishing you all a wondrous New Year.

    Take care and God bless,

    Judy Taylor

  10. Hey Bob and Stacy and Greyson! I guess I’ve been called out… I check up here almost everyday. Lots and lots of prayers. What a testimony of God’s goodness! And he’s sooo cute! and he’s in good hands, of God’s, his wonderful parents, and all the doctors and nurses. Wishing you all the strength to keep on.
    -the morrisons

  11. Well I am not in the stone business, but I will keep an eye out for a 700 gram stone.
    I really enjoy reading these updates. Thank you for sharing your joys and concerns. I am praying for you three constantly as you care for little Greyson and watch him grow. Thank you for letting me come visit and be a part of your lives. talk with you soon.

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