
I don’t know if Stacy took any pictures today or not.  She hasn’t gotten home yet from church (we took two cars as she met me there after returning from Tacoma).  We had a Christmas party for the adults today that I was in charge of.  Stacy baked 7 four layer cakes for the party and helped me set up.  In addition she helped with decorations.  The party was a success but now I have the feeling I used to get when we would come home from a youth group party, wiped out! 

Stacy said Greyson was pretty agitated while she was there.  He has pooped some but still seems to have an upset stomach.  After she left they said that they had given him something to help relieve the gas and he was doing better.  In addition to this his c02 is back up to 72.  Ugh! 

Stacy told me that today Greyson was very alert and watched his toy for about 40 minutes.  She said he was really enjoying the sights and sounds that it made.  This is probably the longest he has kept his attention on it. 

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2 thoughts on “Sunday

  1. Stacy you are amazing! With all that you two have going on I am certain that God is going to bless you because of your faithfulness with the church. That being said Im sure you are both very tired as you have really been “on the run” for almost three months! (That sounds really neat to me…even though it is so hard to believe that Greyson is almost three months old). Keep your spirits up and we will continue to pray as always. Remember, “Everything is better with Christmas music!”

    Rest and love to you three,

    The Sebrights

  2. We are concerned as you are about Greyson’s co2 gases. Hopefully today they will be much better. If he could just have a good bowel movement maybe that would take care of things. I’m glad the church party was well received. How could it not with you two in charge. Hope you had fun as well, especially since Greyson had fun with his new toy yesterday. All kids need toys and this one seems to be especially entertaining for him. We love you all so much and are counting the days till we will get to see you. I know you will be with Greyson today and will be anxious to hear how things are. Drive safely! Love Mom

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