This is what happens when you try to get a kid on a ventilator to go to sleep at night.

OK maybe not every kid, but ours.  Tonight he just doesn’t want to go to sleep!  Last night he was asleep before I even got him on the ventilator.  Of course then he pulled a stunt that reminded us that having a child on a ventilator is not a simple thing.  We aren’t sure what happened but he started crying (silently) and then de-sated down to the mid 70’s.  The weird thing was he didn’t come up very quickly like he usually does.  So we unhooked him, woke him up, suctioned him, did cpt, basically all the things you are supposed to do and before to long he was back where he should be.  We really just wish we knew what the cause was, but we will never know that now.  Oh well.

Tonight we thought he was doing it again right after we put him on the ventilator.  He was fussing and turning really red in the face.  Then we realized he was just pooping.  Althought that means we have to unhook everything and take him out of his pack and play (well we don’t have to, but it is usually much cleaner and easier in the long run).  While I was changing his diaper he was just smiling at me like, “ha ha!”  He thinks he’s such a funny kid.

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3 thoughts on “This is what happens when you try to get a kid on a ventilator to go to sleep at night.

  1. Well, he is an amazing and funny little man. Just think of all the things that must be going through that head of his. You all interact so much and I bet he wonders why you do things too.

    We pray that all is well and thank you for sharing your precious little boy with us.

    Blessings to you all,

    Judy and family

  2. Hopefully he woin’t have to be on that vent too much longer, I was anxious to see what the drs. said yesterday (Wednesday). Then tomorrow will be exciting to hear what the pulmonolist says. He is so cute and precious, I am so thankful we get to see him do all this cute stuff. I hope he will know how much joy he brings to all of us to see him and love him.

    Love Grandma Terry

  3. Rylee and I are watching Greyson in the dark. She thinks that he is scared and needs that light on. She is very worried.

    We are so excited to hear all the good news. We are praying always. Love you all.

    Great Aunt Nana and Rylee May

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