And let me introduce you to my grammie Jo….


 We didn’t get any pictures taken today (took some video) so here is a good picture from last weekend while Grammie Jo was here.  As you can see Greyson had a great weekend with his Grammie!

Ok so I didn’t update yesterday because I went to the Mariners baseball game and then came home (early so I could take over) to begin my shift watching Greyson so Stacy could get some sleep.  I was planning on doing an update sometime while I watched Greyson since I had to be awake anyway and there is not much to do between the hours of 10pm and 4am.  Well let’s just say it wasn’t a good night for father and son.  I’m not positive exactly what happened, but let’s just say I was scared more than I have been since he has come home.  So scared in fact that I went in and woke Stacy up from sleeping to come in and provide backup (of course I had already got the situation completely under control by then).  She rushed in and looked at him, his sat monitor, his vent, helped me suction him (I’d done this prior to waking her) and then kind of said, “so what’s the problem, he looks fine?!” I told her it was NOT good.  She shrugged and said he looked fine now and the next thing I know she was back off to bed!!  It probably wasn’t as dramatic as it seemed last night, but part of it was Greyson waking up with terror in his eyes.  His look could have had more to do with being woken up by gagging, but it still made my heart race.  I tell this story so I can remember it and talk to Greyson about the night things didn’t go well. 

So having said that Greyson is now done with his second day with time off the ventilator.  Today he got to spend 4 minutes off in the morning, and four minutes off tonight.  He did just fine yesterday and today so tomorrow we will go to 5 minutes in the morning and 5 at night.  It is very exciting to be taking these baby steps (baby steps, that’s funny!) towards freedom! 

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6 thoughts on “And let me introduce you to my grammie Jo….

  1. I think I smell payback for that whole blood draw incident you put him thru the other day. OK, so you didn’t do it but I think he got you back!!! And you thought he forgave you……. Well, now maybe you two can call a truce.

  2. Bob, I am sorry you had such a panic. I can completely relate. That happens to me here at work at least once a week and I have tons of people to back me up. I am glad you made it through. Just remember to keep breathing. 🙂 You could always just call us at the NICU when you need someone to talk to in the middle of the nigh. You know we’re always up! Congratulations to Greyson on spending time off the vent. How exciting!

  3. I am with Corinne. If you need someone to talk to I am here for you. And the good news is that Corinne and I work exactly the opposite schedule so you are always covered. I charge though…Just kidding. I’m glad that everything turned out well. Take care! I will see you guys in a couple of weeks when I get back from my trip.

  4. Corrine and Jaemi, you are the best. Bob that is an excellant idea to be able to call just to reassure yourself. What an excellant idea. I know the night before I left and Greyson was so congested and you could tell he was in distress untill he was suctioned 3 times, had saline twice, and pounded on the back to bring it all up. Then he just went to sleep like nothing had happened. It was very scarry to me.
    It is so exciting to see him getting off the vent, it may be slow but at least it is happening. You can take him back and forth from his bedroom to the living room at least without all the stuff at the same time. Or even to the car, that will be cool. He is on his way to freedom.
    Love ya

  5. It is OK to get backup. We all need it from time to time. You both are doing such a wonderful job and I know from experience that it can be scary. I guess this just makes us understand that Greyson is still so fragile. We are so excited to hear that the few minutes off the vent seems to be going well. We will pray that this all continues. I miss you three so much and I’m counting my time till I can come back and play. Have a wonderful day and kiss Greyson’s toes for his Gram.

  6. Wow Bob, I am so sorry to hear about that your experience. How scary, Hope you are ok now. Greyson too! You are so lucky to have friends who are there for you with just a phone call. I know that when my children were little I had some scary moments too. Fortunately my mother was there for me. It is very trying when you are alone.Have a wonderful evening Westfall family. God bless you all.

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