I was framed I tell ya! I’m innocent!


Well today has been another long day in the hospital.  Basically it has been one of those days where not a lot is happening but you have to be there so you can talk to the different Dr’s as they come through.  They have taken Greyson off his lasix as it is the drug that is almost certainly responsible for both the metabolic issues and kidney stones.  The potential problem of taking him off of this is that he retains fluid and it negatively impacts his respiratory ability.  Well so far he seems to be holding his own well off of it and they have also reduced the amount of IV fluid he is receiving.  The plan now (if I understand it properly) is to get his metabolism normalized and send us home, potentially sometime this weekend. 

So what about the kidney stones?  Well it looks like they are not wanting to do anything about them right now other than waiting to see if he can pass them on his own.  Since this basically means just watching him carefully they appear to be willing to let us do that at home with a follow up ultrasound in a month.  So it could be a long month if he doesn’t pass the large stone, but sems better than just sitting in the hospital waiting to see what happens. 

We are unsure why his respitory status hasn’t gotten worse but do know that people are praying and believe God must be touching his body during this time.  I say this simply because we expected with the removal of the lasix and the extra fluid he has been receiving that his respiratory status would take a bit of a downturn, we are very happy that this doesn’t seem to be happening.  So basically after talking to all the different people today we are just hanging out tonight and we will see where his labs are in the morning.  Of course we are keeping an extra close eye on him in the meantime to ensure nothing gets overlooked.  So hopefully we will be packing him up and taking him home by Sunday.  We’ll have to wait and see what the Lord has in store for us.

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5 thoughts on “I was framed I tell ya! I’m innocent!

  1. Hi westfall family I was so sad to hear your “Grayson the Brave” was back in the hospital, but I am glad to hear it is something minor but painful the poor guy. But he is Brave and you are all wonderful and your in our prayers so hang in there because it sounds like he is really doing good over all. Way to go you all. Hopefully I’ll see you again until then I will check the web.

  2. What a great report!! Getting Grayson home on Sunday would be the best Mother’s Day present his mom could have. It would be an awesome gift for the grandmothers and his dad, too. As always we are praying that God will touch Greyson so he will just get better and better. We know he has been right there with him all along. You two are amazing and soooo on top of it. I can’t even begin to tell you how very, very proud we are of you. I think back to our early parenting days and we couldn’t begin to hold a candle to you and what you have been through. What special parents Greyson has!! As always we are praying for great days, a healthy baby and strength for his parents.

    Maybe Greyson thought you were slacking with your medical studies Bob, and threw you a kidney stone. Thank you so much for keeping us all informed and thanks for allowing me to pester you on the phone. Sending our love.

  3. That’s amazing! I hope you are able to bring him home soon, as you mention and monitor him in that manner. You guys are awesome – I have so much respect for the both of you – God does give strength when we need it – and He is giving you lots! Take care!

  4. Just checking in to say that we just posted on the last blog. Again, you are all in our thoughts and prayers and going home on Sunday would certainly be wonderful.

    Take care and may God continue to bless you all and heal young Greyson.

    Good night young Greyson, rest well and be well.

    Judy & KJ

  5. God is so good, I think how much better his lungs must be to be able to keep up with everything. We will keep praying for that to continue. We will also pray for a miracle for those kidney stones. preferably to just disappear. God can do that too. It will be so nice if he can get off more and more of the drugs and just be doing everything on his own. Lasix can cause more trouble down the road also so I am really glad he is off that one. I am so glad he is going home for Stacys’ first mothers day. Happy Mothers Day Stacy from Greyson. I remember Stacys’ birthday and all she wanted was to have Greyson get better and he did. Now I bet all she wanted for Mothers’ Day was to go home and hopefully that will be the case. I hope she gets a nice bubble bath and a good nap as well.

    Love you

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