Time to focus on something new.

I know I haven’t posted anything in a couple days. It has been hard dealing with this vocal cord paralysis. Due to the fact that the vocal cords protect our airway when we swallow, Greyson can’t have any food or drink by mouth. Now he has never taken very much anyway, but being cut down to zero has been rough. The reason? The boy REALLY wants to eat! He has been attacking us when we have food, then signing “food” it’s been tough. So let’s focus on some positives, shall we? Last night we were sitting at the table and Greyson was on Stacy’s knee. She was on the phone with Grandma Terry and so she motioned for me to take Greyson as she mouthed “leaking diaper” (aren’t you so glad you are reading this story? Wait it gets MUCH MUCH better!). I took Greyson to his room and changed his diaper and then came back to the table and had him sitting on my lap. Well we had been there for maybe a minute when Greyson started slapping his belly and whispering “potty”.
OK so you have to know that while we use this word it has not been one we have “taught” him to say, and he has never said it on his own. I was surprised so I asked him if he had gone potty in his diaper. He said potty a couple more times then said diaper. Now I had just changed him so I didn’t think he had to go, but since he was saying potty I decided to take him and sit him on his little toilet. We got him one quite awhile ago but aside from sitting him on it a couple times have not done any “potty training”. Well I sat him on the little toilet; Stacy came in, and …..Yep he went pee! He acted pretty pleased with himself at that! Today Tina (our nurse) said he crawled down to his room and waved at her. She asked him if he had to potty and he said “potty” so she put him on the toilet. Once again, he went! Could we be on our way to potty training?!!?? That would be SOOOOOO awesome (have you priced diapers lately?!). We will see how things go.
Greyson also seems to be getting a little braver. Check out this video for some more exciting “firsts”!!!!!!!!!!

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