Well hello again!

Well as it turns out our quick stay in the Picu was followed by a quick stay at home. Tonight we find ourselves back in the Pediatric Intensive Care unit for another night (hopefully just one!). Basically Greyson made it home yesterday and all was fine but over the course of the day his voice got weaker and weaker until it was basically just completely gone. Then last night he had A LOT of thick secretions all night and over the course of the night became unable to wear his one way valve (Passy muir). Since he still has the trach he was still able to breath through it and was doing fine but this morning was still unable to wear his Passy and when we plugged his trach hole he couldn’t move any air in or out.
So we called our Dr. and he said we needed to come back to the PICU where he could take a look and see what was going on. He did this (just prior to this video) and found Greyson’s vocal cords are very swollen, so much he couldn’t get a very good look inside. So the plan is to keep him overnight and tomorrow go back to the operating room where they can put him into a much deeper sleep allowing them to get a better look to see if the stent has moved around. If it looks like the stent has moved they will take it out and we will have to develop a new plan. If it still looks good and like it hasn’t moved we will probably go home and see if the swelling goes down on its own.
In case I haven’t mentioned Greyson is in God’s hands and He is the ONLY one who knows what is going to happen with all of this. The rest of us get to sit back and enjoy the ride with all its ups, downs, and unforseen turns! Anyway thanks for checking in on us, as you can see Greyson is doing just fine, even though he was much happier at home with his toys!

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