Don’t forget your coat


Well I know it’s been awhile and my only excuse is I am a creature of habit.  I’m still having computer problems which means I can’t do the updates as I usually do.  Yes I could do them on a different computer (like I am right now) but for some reason it seems more complicated.  It’s funny because it really is the same, but seems harder since it’s not what I’ve become used to.

The weather is starting to turn colder and wetter here, so we are beginning to limit Greyson’s running out and about.  He now only goes to church Sunday nights (far less people sunday nights!) and will probably have to stay home from that soon.  We hate to have to limit his exposure to the world but know that it will be worth it if he stays relatively healthy all winter and gets his trach out come spring (or early summer at the latest!).  He has learned a new game we like to call repeat and is getting pretty good at it.  Basically it consists of me slapping my leg three times while counting out, “one two three” and then looking at him and telling him to do it.  He almost always will but often does either two or four slaps.  Guess we’re still working on the counting. 

So not really much else to talk about other than to say he is growing and developing everyday.  He sits (once started) pretty good on his own and is beginning to get the idea that he could push himself up, although he has a lot of work to do before he gets there.  He is starting to push more with his legs so the possibility that he could someday walk is still there (the way he wouldn’t put any weight on his legs after getting out of the hospital made me wonder sometimes!). 

Well I know you had to wait for this update and it’s not all that exciting so I’ll just have to say that if you want real fun make sure you’re healthy and come visit us!  This will be more and more important as Greyson gets “grounded” more and more as cold season really gets going.  **Oh Greyson is so excited because he is having visitors on thursday (his first birthday!) then this weekend his Gram and papa are coming to visit, followed the next weekend by his grandma, grandma great, cousins, and aunts, and one of his uncles.  Busy times for the little guy but he can hardly wait!

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4 thoughts on “Don’t forget your coat

  1. We can’t wait! I have been washing Jonathan and Elizabeth’s hands (Ronie’s too!!) and we are all taking vitamins daily! Soon, very soon!!! What a year it has been and the miracles God has shown through the two of you and our lil’ Greyson! Looking back it is nothing but spectacular! We love you!!! See you soon!!!

  2. Yes we also will see you soon! We can hardly wait. Staying home is good for us when we come to visit but know it will be hard for all of you as the winter drags on. You always have been on the go. Guess you will just have to settle in. Thanks Bob for the post. We were having Greyson withdrawls. All those days of not seeing him makes us sad. I hope he has fingers left by the time we come. He is always chewing on them. Maybe that next tooth will be through by then. We love you all so much and are praying for a wonderful week! Hugs from Gram and Papa

  3. Greyson you are so well loved. It is amazing a year has passed when it seemed so long at times. We have so much to be thankful for. Well we are washing and taking our vitamins so there will be no germs. We still have over a week to go and it makes me nervous but the Lord knows how important it is to all of us to get there for Greysons’ first birthday. For some of us it will be their first time to meet Greyson in person and we are so excited. I am so glad your daddy remembered to tell us what was going on, we look every day.

    Love you guys
    Grandma Terry

  4. Wow, sounds like you guy are going to be busy for awhile. My favorite thing in the world… I especially enjoyed it in my big house in Mitchell. Yes Greyson will have to stay in some this winter and with that you guys will have a wonderful spring and summer to look foward to. He’ll proably be walking and he’ll have you busy. Is he spending time everyday in his johnny jump-up. That will really help strength his legs and get him going. We had to take Richard out of his and put it away because he started bouncing across the room. They get really wild once they figure out they can move aroud the room, somewhat. We love you guys, enyoy the beautiful fall weather(my favorite season). God Bless you all and may you have a peaceful, restful, winter and…….we pray for a really healthy winter for Greyson.

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