First I’ll nap, then I’ll try out my shoes


Tonight when we came in Greyson was all propped up between two large pillows.  Why?  Just because he is getting spoiled.  I told him not to get to attached to this kind of treatment, because it will be different when he’s home.  Today we didn’t spend much time at the hospital (well Stacy is still there but I had to come home for church tomorrow).  Instead we continued to put Greyson’s room in order (we had to think a few things through due to all the medical equipment).  Then we waited for the home equipment guy to come by.  We now have Greyson’s primary ventilator in his room (this will be his primary vent, the one he has in the hospital will be his his “mobile” vent as well as serving as a backup).  We also got his pulse oximiter, his oxygen concentrater (makes pure oxygen out of room air), a tank of oxygen (for a backup in case the concentrator fails), and a few other things.  Now we have everything we need to bring him home.

It is a weird feeling to finally be so close to bringing him home.  I was reflecting tonight on how it felt on Sunday night about seven and a half months ago when I took Stacy to our local hospital to have her checked out.  I remember thinking how wierd it felt to be rushing off to the hospital late at night and  praying that everything was going to be fine and we would go back home for Stacy to finish the pregnancy on bedrest (which if you didn’t know she was on starting two days after finding out she was pregnant, at 19 weeks).  Little did I know that we would be staying in that hospital for almost two weeks, with Stacy upside down, before transferring to Tacoma.  Less than a week later Greyson was “born” 16 weeks early.  Now, just shy of seven months later, we are on the verge of Greyson’s homecoming.  I wonder what it will feel like to push him (and all his “extras”) through the door.  Do we load him all up in his stroller to get him from the car to the house?  Do we unhook him and carry him in and quickly hook him back up to everything?  That’s probably the best way, as it could be raining when we get here.  These are fun (and a bit scary!) things to be thinking about.  Lord willing next week is going to be a really fun, exciting, thrilling, freaky, exhausting, happy, confusing, stressful, interesting week. 

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7 thoughts on “First I’ll nap, then I’ll try out my shoes

  1. Bob, Stacy and Greyson! Congratulations on making it to this milestone. What an accomplishment. I hope the transition goes smoothly and I know the three of you can handle this. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. I just can’t hardly believe the “fishing day” is nearly here. I know you will be sooooo busy when Greyson gets home, but please don’t stop writing to all us who long to be a part of this wonderful big picture. I don’t mean to be selfish in any way, shape or form, but I sure want to continue knowing how you are all doing and it is such a daily blessing to read the blog and see the pictures…..I know I have said it before, but THANK YOU all for sharing with us…..To say I am amazed and so impressed with you all is such an understatement but then when we stop and realize this is all God’s plan it really is believable….WOW. Bob and Stacy, you are doing an incrediable job and Greyson really is a lucky little boy(and a really cute one at that). I love you all very very much….Aunt Sue

  3. Wow the big week has come, I can’t wait to read the blog the next few nights. Of course I can’t wait to read it every night so I guess nothing will change there. Those are cool tennis shoes. Did he like having them on? Being a little spoiled is not that bad, I like being spoiled a little too. Hope you and Stacy can get your rest because I know it is going to be really different once Greyson gets home. It seems you never go into a deep sleep again because you are always listening for the baby and that is when everything is normal. Greyson will be home for Mothers’ Day. Last year you had know idea you would have a son this time this year. Well know that you are all 3 loved very much and we are still praying for the transition to go smoothly.

  4. Wow you and Stacy will not know how to dress when they take away your purple bracelets!!!! You might have to go and buy a whole new wardrobe!! Ha. It is so exciting to see just how far you have come. The day is almost here and we rejoice with you!!!!Im so glad to hear too that all of the equipment is there and ready. Greyson will surely be spoiled even when he gets home if his AUNTIE’S have anything to do with it. Remember all of the gifts you have purchased for our children? Play dough……beads…..oh ya and the drum set?(just kidding) but it is our turn to spoil yours as you have spoiled ours. We love you three so very very much and are just excited for your new chapter (actually Im pretty sure the last one was whole book not just a chapter) to begin.

  5. Well Greyson, you are surely a cutie and it looks like you got your shoes just in time to go home. A young man needs his shoes for travel.

    It’s raining here today, as I suppose it is there – so that’s good for fishing. However, being Northwesterners, we will hope for a sun break when you get home. And yes, as you are nearing the home stretch, how exciting and awesome and a bit stressful. But you are so prepared, I know that once you settle in, you will find your balance and just thrive at “home” life.

    You remain in our thoughts and prayers for a smooth and successful transition to home. And yes, perhaps this is the first chapter of Volume II. We will look forward to reading the next one.

    Have a fun day with your mom and dad, young Greyson and rest well and be well.

    With love,

    Judy & Jim, KJ & Laura

  6. Greyson,
    Like you…doctor’s and nurses have impeded my departure since the day I escaped from my mother’s womb. I shall no longer be tormented by the sight of “Winne the Pooh” scrubs and the smell of anti-bacterial soap! My father and I will eat our lunch proudly as victory is ours! May the best baby win!

  7. I could hardly wait to get here today to read the blog!!!!Bob I just want to say to you and Stacy,”Welcome to the CLUB, the Parents Club.” Where it’s sometimes exciting, thrilling, freaky, exausting,confusing,stressful and very,very interesting. Sounds like the two are up to the test. Interesting and wonderful whatever the ups and downs of child rearing. I’m like Aunt Sue can’t wait to read the daily update and see how you guys are doing. We long to know your home with your little (getting bigger)bundle of baby boy. Take care for now and Lord Bless you all.
    Aunt Fran

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