Today we got Greyson out of bed and Stacy held him for a couple hours. For some reason today became one of those days where it really sinks in that life is going to be anything but normal. It’s hard sometimes to listen to others stories of having kids (not that we don’t enjoy hearing them!), or even going to dinner and watching families, only to realize how different our experience has to be. Please don’t take this as a downer post, cause it is not meant to be, but there are days and times where we just have to say, “this sucks”. It seemed moving Greyson from the bed to a chair right next to the bed would be no big deal. Well when your child is hooked up to a ventilator, what should be an extremly simple process can get quite complicated. Again we are not trying to complain, we are extremely blessed, but there is some mourning involved in realizing some “normal” baby experiences will not be possible with the vent.
OK so now that I’ve bummed everyone out, let me tell you some fun stories. First, from yesterday as I forgot to write about it, Greyson got in a bit of trouble yesterday. The nurse came in and saw Greyson with his hands together in front of him (midline which is great developmentally). She was about to really praise him when she realized that one of his hands was holding the end of his PICC line (like an IV but more permanent). That’s when she realized he had been pulling on it. After an X-ray it was confirmed that he had pulled part of it out. So they can still use it to give meds, but it is no longer able to be used to draw blood from. The good news is Greyson is off the IV pain meds, so he really doesn’t need the PICC line much longer.
Today we talked to the Dr. and he is starting to compress Greyson’s feeds, and work on getting his oxygen requirements down to room air, if possible. So he is now on 30 percent oxygen (room air is 21 percent) and has been keeping his stats up really well. He also has gone without food for 4 hours and will now be hooked up again receiving more food over a shorter period of time. This is to help him get to a place where we can feed him by bolus, or putting all his food for three hours into a bag that gravity feeds into his belly. This would take about as long to feed a normal baby, and then we can unhook him, close the button, and have one less thing to worry about till he gets hungry again. We are also looking into getting him a swallow study next week to see if it might be possible to begin trying to feed him some by mouth. This is something we are going to work very hard on, as the longer he is not eating from his mouth the harder it will be for him to learn.
OK so one final story for the day. We went to outback for dinner tonight (we try to go out somewhere nicer at least once a weekend). This satisfied my need for prime rib that has been brewing for about a month (one of the RT’s tells me almost everytime I see him that I need to go get prime rib). Anyway while we were there we saw one of the RT’s from the NICU. I waved and that was about it as far as communicating with her. Anyway we got ready to leave and asked for a couple boxes (gonna be a good lunch tomorrow!) and the bill. When the waitress came back with the boxes, she told us that the bill had been taken care of! We were so humbled and overwhelmed by the incredible blessings people have showered on us. Another example of this is that a couple days ago a nurse came in and said we had received something from the tube (they have a tube system like at the banks drive through that delivers stuff around the whole hospital). It turned out to be two gift certificates for the expresso stand from “your sister in Christ”. This one we have no idea who it was from, but it was such a source of encouragment to us. So I guess if you are that person and are reading this, Thanks! You made our day! Wow this was a long post.
Greyson looks a little sad about that as well. On the flip side he looks really good and is steadily getting stronger. Hopefully using the vent won’t be as long as they say it could be. He is such a cute little guy and I just want to scoop him up and cuddle him. As you get used to the vent, maybe it will get easier to manuever. Hang in there . How much more you won’t take for granted and will appreciate the simple things when he does get off the vent. You guys are doing an awesome job and we love you.
Life can be quite a process… for some more than others so don’t feel bad about voicing the concerns that you have. I think if you don’t we would begin to think that you are not NORMAL! You and Stacy have been through a tremendous amount in really a very short amount of time……when you stop to think that you didn’t even know that you were going to be parents until Stacy was already several weeks into her pregnancy! I think you are allowed a few “UGH” moments. You are also commenting on how blessed you are so the miracle of the whole situation is still close to your heart too and we get that. Its great to hear Greyson is doing so well though and about all of the people that are continuing to show “God’s” love to you to help support and help you through the not so cool stuff. Thanks for your post…. and don’t apologize for anything. We all still love you!
That is the Greyson I remember…..finding a tube to pull out. Awww, it’s so nice to have our little boy back.
These last fews days have been amazing. I love the pictures! Greyson just looks so happy. I will probably be in on Friday. Until then….give my little man a kiss for me. Take care!
What an amazing staff at the hospital you are at! Even on days when things feel tough and overwhelming, God is there using people to remind you of His love and show He is there by something as touching as a paid for dinner or coffee! (Sounds delicious by the way!!) I am so amazed at the support the nurses and doctors having given you three! So if some of those nurses are reading this comment, thank you! Thank you for showing love to Bob, Stacy and Greyson! You are truly gifts from God and our heroes here on earth!