Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful


Today was a great day.  We went early as we had prearranged to give Greyson a bath.  Since we knew ahead of time I was able to bring my video camera and record the experience.  The boy loves baths!  Stacy really enjoyed giving him one as well.  He needed one as he had quite a time with his milk today. 

Apparantly earlier today Greyson’s feeding tube started leaking and got milk all over his bed.  So they cleaned him up, changed the bedding, and got him going again.  Then when the nurse went to lunch Greyson decided he’d had enough food and pulled his feeding tube out.  This left it to leak all over the new bedding!  After both these episodes it is very posible that he is going to be really hungry but they are doing all they can to get him caught up.

His gas was good last night, c02 of 61 (yes mom my prediction was very close.  His ph went down, c02 went up, and the other numbers I follow were better).  God is touching his lungs even though it is a slow process. 

His last ultrasound came back good.  They did find something of “insignificance” on this ultrasound.  Basically they found some mini cysts in his brain.  While this sounds bad it is possible that this was the result of a grade 1 bleed that happened a long time ago (which means it didn’t and won’t cause any problems).  Even if that was not the case they are in a part of the brain that is only dangerous while the brain is growing.  Apparently since his brain has developed past this section it does not present any type of concern and was just something they noticed on this scan.  So he is now done with the brain scans and is OK in that area!  Praise the Lord! 

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5 thoughts on “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

  1. Praise God for the wonderful ultrasound results…YEA!!! for Greyson…..Good job little Buddy…Stacy, I bet you really do enjoy the bath time. It is so great that you can be there and share that special time with him. You guys are just doing such a terrific job..To say I’m proud of you in a real understatement….My heart just swells with admiration each and every time I think of you….Bob, all the updates you have shared with us over the last 100+ days have just been incredible. Thank you all three for sharing..We love you and continue to thank God for each of you every day….Aunt Sue and clan.

  2. Sounds like he wants to eat and not by the tube anymore, he sure is a little character when it comes to finding out how to pull out the tubes. I am so glad the ultrasound was good and that is done with that. Now on with the breathing on his own and he has got it made. I can’t wait to see how his gasses are tonight.
    Grandma Great said to say hi and she reads the blog daily, usually I print it out for her. She prays all day for Greyson and is so glad he is doing so well. His weight has now surpassed yours Bob as you were 7lbs 1oz when you were born. I am guessing he may have been about the same if all had gone well.
    Give him hugs and kisses for me and I hope he keeps his tube in or he will get very hungry.

    Love mom

  3. YEA!!! Way to go Greyson. I loved bath time too. It always seemed fun to me to get them all clean and fresh. Im sure Greyson thinks it feels good too though. God has blessed us all. It so great to know that he is control of everything.

    Love you,

  4. Another bath! How fun for all of you. Greyson will be begging for one everyday soon since he likes them so much. I can hardly wait to see the video. God has so blessed this family and we praise him for that. I know in my heart he is so proud of you for witnessing to everyone around you both at home and at the hospital. What comfort you have brought to those in need. We love you all so much! Hugs…Mom and Dad

  5. Well, I should have gone to the next screen. I just told Greyson we were praying for great ultra sound results and I turned the page and it was!

    You are certainly a miracle.

    Good night little one and sleep well.

    The Taylors

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