Now this is the life!


Today was a very good day for the Westfall’s.  Greyson continues to improve after his “episode” earlier this week.  His Ppeak pressures (the pressure required to give him a breath) were really good all day.  His blood gas was good (I almost guessed his gas perfectly.  I guessed 7.41 on his ph, it was 7.42.  I guessed a c02 of 56 and was right on the money.  I also guessed his bicarb would be 36 and it was 37.  Not to bad if I do say so myself!)  They turned the rate down a little on his vent and he was still doing great so we are very pleased with his progess.

As you can see from the picture Stacy held Greyson for a few hours tonight.  He slept most of the time but I’m sure he enjoyed the quiet time with his mom.  We stayed extra late tonight because we had to attend med school.  Tonight we learned how to properly put on the gloves and  use a suctioning catheter.  It’s not to difficult, you just have to make sure you keep it sterile which is the hard part.  The RT said we did well.  This is the first in a whole bunch of things we will have to learn and become proficient at (and checked off on) before they will allow us to take him home.  Once Greyson gets his trach, we will begin full time med school (not literally but they say it will feel like that as most of our time visiting will be used to teach us to care for him).  We are a bit anxious but excited to be at a place where we can begin doing something to help with his care, and doing things that will lead to him coming home! 

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6 thoughts on “Now this is the life!

  1. So grateful to hear the very positive numbers for Greyson and it is so neat to see the pictures with him and mom and dad these last 2 days. I bet you never thought you’d be med students. You two are an awesome couple who work together as a great team and I know Greyson appreciates every moment that you hold him which is healing for him too. Will continue to pray for his next week with his surgeries, and God’s continual hand upon the surgeons as well. Glad that you are getting the surgeon that you liked so well and of course Jesus is the best surgeon of all.

  2. Yea Stacy! Im sure this made your afternoon! Such great news that Greyson’s numbers were so good yesterday. I know that is a huge relief to all of you. We will keep praying for the upcoming surgeries and giving thanks for these great strides forward that Greyson has made this week. Im sure that you two will do great with all of your “schooling” and Im pretty sure at one point in his life Bob wanted to be a fireman…..don’t some of them have medical experience as well? 🙂

    Love you so much,

  3. What a wonderful picture. It sure made my day. Those intern doctors put in very long hours and at the looks of when you posted last night you are doing your part. Prayers for another great day. Love you three…Mom and Dad

  4. I am so thrilled to hear how well Greyson is doing! I pray that God continues to heal him so he can go home to be with his mommy and daddy where he belongs!

  5. Med students! i bet your parents would be proud! I’m so glad to get an up date on you guys! Jaemi gave me this website. I hope you guys are having fun learning how to take care of little Greyson. Well all miss you here in the NICU and everyone always asks about you, i’ll have to give out this website more! I’m so glad you guys are getting to hold him i bet he misses you guys like crazy when you’re not there.

  6. It is so good to hear these positive things and see Stacy holding Greyson. The power of prayer is amazing. You 3 are all so cute and it won’t be long now that you will all be home as a family.

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