Hey, check out my tatoo!


Greyson is at that strange size now where his ankle bracelet is too small, and the pediatric bracelet is too big.  So for now they have it taped to his arm.  We think it makes him look tough. 

Not much to report today.  Nothing grew out of the cultures they took yesterday and his temperature seems to be fine again so who knows what the deal was yesterday morning.  We are very anxious to get the surgeries started.  Now that we have the plan it is hard to wait to get started so we can get past this phase.  I know, I know.  Patience is………impossible!  We’ll make it I guess.  Right now (I’m in Greyson’s room as I write this) Greyson is getting worked on (well suctioned, diaper change, oral care, and so on).  He’s ready for everyone to be done with him so he can go back to sleep. 

Today was my mom’ s birthday and she called in to Greyon’s room.  It was funny because he kept raising his arms as if he wanted to tell his grandma happy birthday.  Have I mentioned lately that he is an incredibly good boy?  Well he certainly is!

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7 thoughts on “Hey, check out my tatoo!

  1. Happy Birthday to Grandma Terry. I know she is as anxious as the rest of us for Greyson to be done with all his surgeries. We will be praying for a good nights rests for you three. Bob, we know your sermon tomorrow will be touching many lives. God is working through you, Stacy and Greyson. Sleep well. Love to you all. Mom

  2. I had a wonderful birthday, thanks to all my kids and grandkids, including Greyson. The card I got with his little hand drawn on it was perfect. Bob and Stacy helped with the games and thank you so much for having me walk around town with a walker today so that I could get my birthday gifts. I hear that was your idea. Look Greyson what you have to look forward to with your mom and dad. With them and all your aunts, uncles and cousins it is never dull. So much love and fun though, we are so blessed. Thank you for today and being such a good boy. Prayers and lots of love to you. Grandma Terry

  3. I havent talked to you two lately so I thought I would write you and let you know that I am still praying for Greyson and keeping up on his blog. I can’t wait for him to have his surgeries. Hopefully they will help him get on the road to being able to go home. We all miss him down here in the NICU. One of the nurses commented on room E not being the same without him. Isnt that the truth. I really miss the little guy. If you guys ever happen to be visiting around 7:30 in the morning give me a heads up and I will come up and visit after my shift. Take care….We are all praying with you.

  4. Looks like the little prince is doing what the Doctor ordered getting his rest and strength built up for the surgeries ahead. His vitals all sound better and we all are praying for mom and dad to get their rest and strength built up as well. He sure is a picture of God’s peace.

  5. I think we all agree that Greyson in an incredibly little boy and just getting more wonderful and cuter by the day….He and his cousin Hallie look an amazing amount alike….We are so thankful for his progress and will be praying with ceasing for his surgies and the doctors hands as they and the nurses care for him and make such important decisions about his health..Bob and Stacy, you are just doing such a terrific job with Greyson and all that is thrown your way each and every day….Bob, I pray that your sermon is received well today and the message that God wants the people to hear is obvious to them….Bless your heart….Stacy, I’m sending you a great big hug today and I hope you can feel my arms full of love wrapped around you….I love you all so much. (PS Happy birthday Grandma Terry)….Aunt Sue

  6. It sounds like it was a nice day for all three of you! Greyson sure made Mom’s beginning of her “birthday race!”. She enjoyed knowing that you three had helped plan! Can I say that I am still completely in awe of of the NICU nurses? To continue to keep in touch, visit, and still pray for Greyson! They are truly my hereos! Bob, we will be praying for your sermon today and hope that it goes smoothly! Stacy and Greyson, we will be praying for a restful day with sunshine and lots to smile about! We love you!

  7. OK the sermon is over now……and Greyson should be getting on the surgery schedule for tommorow…..and Mom’s birthday turned out great!! Now we have, Teila’s choir concert on Tuesday, Alyson’s Jump rope challenge on Tuesday, Greyson’s surgeries later this week and a judo tournament this weekend and Bible quizzing next weekend as well as Aly’s spelling bee, then its Easter and then its get ready for Spring Break! It’s going to be a crazy month but we will continue to trust God that he will have his hand and eye on all of us. With him nothing is impossible!! So glad to see Greyson being more alert and interactive. We pray so hard for him everyday that God will continue to work miracles in and through him.

    Love You,

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