Early Recruiting


BSU has already sent someone to start recruiting him to go to their school.  😉  No In reality this is his aunt Debbie who has yet to have her face posted on the internet.  She has visited before around thanksgiving, but since Greyson was in an isolete we didn’t use the picture since you couldn’t see her and him very well.  This picture was much better.

So today was an OK day.  Not near as good as yesterday, nor as bad as Saturday.  Greyson has been diagnosed with two infections, both seem to be somewhat staph related.  One is in his blood and one is in his lungs.  They think he got these from aspirating (breathing in) either throw up or his own secretions.  Either way it brought a foreign body into his lungs and caused a big problem.  They continue to play with his vent settings as his gas numbers jump around.  He had some gasses with c02’s very high, but they were down to 69 when we left for the night and his ph was looking better as well.  While he battles these infections coupled with the chronic lung disease his gas numbers are probably not going to be very stable, but they will work hard to keep them in a decent place. 

Greyson got started on lasix again which is a diuretic to help him pee off the excess fluid he is retaining.  He has A LOT and looks very puffy.  This is all part of being sick and should they should be able to get it all back under control once he breaks free of the infections. 

He is still heavily sedated so he doesn’t move or wake up.  This is best for him as they work to help him get better.  It actually is nice because he looks so peaceful as he sleeps.  The plan is still for him to receive the tracheostomy but he has to be stable before they can do the surgery, and his vent settings have to be quite a bit better.  Right now it looks like this might happen in about a week, but we will see.

So to recap and hopefully help in understanding–Greyson’s blood gasses have been very high for a prolonged period of time.  This was affecting his heart and would most likely begin to have other negative effects as well.  With his c02 numbers rising at the end of this week the Dr’s felt he would need a tracheotomy and ventilator to support his breathing.  This is what we knew on Friday night and went into the hospital ready for on Saturday.  What we didn’t know was that sometime probably thursday or Friday Greyson was developing these infections.  Everything collided on Saturday which is what made him so out of control and such an awful day for us.  Not to mention the fact that he got himself worked into a frenzy in a similar way to an asthmatic, and they had a very hard time breaking that cycle.  That is why his heart rate was so high and remained high until they were able to break the cycle and get him settled down.  He remains sick and has to be handled very carefully, but with the antibiotics should pull past this within a week, two tops.

It was great having my sisters Tammy and Debbie here to help us focus on something else.  While it probably wasn’t the most enjoyable visit for them, or the visit they thought they were going to get (they made these plans long before Greyson got so sick) they were a source of encouragement to us.

Greyson has also had a couple of his old (meaning former, they are actually young in chronological age) nurses stop by to check on him.  He wants to thank everyone for sending him well wishes and for offering prayers on his behalf.   We would also like to thank all our blog readers who have left us encouraging words.  We can have a computer in Greyson’s room now and they have been a real source of encouragment to us over the last few difficult days.

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7 thoughts on “Early Recruiting

  1. Stacy, Bob and Greyson,
    I wanted to let you know that all of you are in my thoughts often.
    I was very sad to see Greyson make the move but mostly for selfish reasons, I’m going to miss seeing the three of you on a almost daily basis. There’s something missing in the NICU now, you’ve been such a pillar for so long. I know this move will bring about some good progress.
    I hope Greyson makes a quick recovery so you guys can start snuggling him again. I’m hoping to stop by on Thursday to check in on him.

    Take care and enjoy your new view.
    Love, Amanda

  2. Hi Greyson! We really miss you in the NICU, and many times every shift I hear someone ask “what do we know about Greyson?” I know you are resting now and that you are fighting off the infections. Please know everyone is pulling for you and that many, many prayers are said for you each day. I’ll be by to see you in a few days when some of the excitement has abated. Hugs to you and mom and dad, too! Alta

  3. We made it home but our hearts are still with you three there in Tacoma. Watching Greyosn gets very addicting! The thought of going back to work today is a pretty yucky feeling but we will pray as always that Greyson will begin to recover from his very difficult weekend. We think you and Stacy have been doing very well considering all that you have had to endure over the last few days. Your “lights” are showing to all of the others that you come into contact and from what I saw there are a lot of others there with very sick children. What a blessing you are to us and all that you meet.

    Do you thing Greyson really listened to the speach about going to BSU. I didn’t think you knew about that Bob as we were pretty sure you werent in the room!!!!!

    Love you bunches,
    Aunt Tam

  4. Ahhh – I am reminded that even though Tammy & Debbie’s visit was planned some time ago, God knew you would need their support at this particular time. It is so cool to see God’s plan work it’s way into our daily lives. What a blessing!

  5. It is never to early to start thinking about college! I know the push he will get from the two of you towards NNU, so I had to start taking matters into my own hands! You just can’t pass up a chance for a little chat with your nephew about one of the best universities around! Thank you for letting me share the day with you! I loved watching Greyson and listening to your stories. The day was just what it needed to be. You two are so strong, even when you do not feel that you are. Your care and concern for each other and Greyson remind us of the things in life that really matter. My prayers and thoughts are with you continually! Please know how much you are loved!

  6. I am so glad Tammy and Debbie were there with you guys, it is such a hard time but we are all there with you in our thoughts and prayers. It is so nice to read the comments from the nurses and how much they care. Greyson looks so peaceful in his big bed. I can’t wait to see him better and looking all around again. Greyson you are so loved as are your mom and dad.

  7. I’ve been so behind on the news about Greyson but I finally got back in touch with Debbie and she told me about this website. I’m always so out of the loop, but I wanted to let you guys know that we all are always thinking and praying for Greyson and your whole family. He’s such a little trooper, and we pray that he will continue to grow and fight through this tough time. Also, I’m with Debbie on recruiting Greyson for BSU! He’s a tough little fighter thats what we like to see!
    Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you!

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