I wonder if my ballot for the presidential primary will get in on time.


Being the deep thinker that he is, Greyson often ponders about the presidential election.  Obviously health care is something he is very interested in with each of those running.  Greyson continues to fill us with joy with every visit, even when he sleeps almost the whole time.  He continues to grow, gain, and do well in every area with the exception of his lungs.  Being a micro preemie born at just under 24 weeks is hard work, and he continues to just hang out with high gas numbers.  The good news is they are not outrageously bad numbers, the bad news is they are not good numbers and continue to bounce between OK and not very good.  Stacy and I are hoping to get a chance to talk to the Dr. tomorrow and get up to speed on what our plan is now.  We have been just holding steady and waiting, but want to have a discussion with the Dr. so we know we are up to speed on what the plan is and how they think he is doing.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned how much Greyson likes to pull out his feeding tube.  He’s almost to the point where he does it once a day, sometimes more than once just on one nurses shift.  Today we changed the shapes on Greyson’s mobile, man does he love that thing!  He stares at it like it is the most facinating thing in the world.  Today he even seemed like he was reaching up to try to touch it. 

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6 thoughts on “I wonder if my ballot for the presidential primary will get in on time.

  1. Greyson you look so snuggly and cute. I’m guessing you were on daddy’s lap since I saw a very hairy leg. It is so cold here that it is hard to imagine anyone wearing shorts today.
    Our rt (respitory therapist)has a nephew that was born at 24 weeks and he said he didn’t get to go home until he was over5 months old, that it takes alot to get those little lungs mature enough to do the job. His little nephew is 3 now and doing wonderful. Every day is one day closer to going home, Greyson. You just got to keep doing what you are doing, growing and getting stronger. I love you

  2. Hello–It is Heather one of the NICU nurses 🙂 I love your blog! It is really amazing how far Greyson has come! I was looking at some of the first pictures you all have of him and it hard to imagine that he was ever that small. He is so social and loves to interact. The only thing that really ticks him off is that nasty old NCPAP, but that is easy to understand! I can’t wait for him to say good bye to it for good, he is absolutely content when he on the nasal cannula. Well I will see you three next week, I hope and pray that there are some great improvements with Greyson’s respiratory status when I see you again!

  3. Ok Greyson you can really help your Aunt Tam as I have absolutely no idea who to vote for!!!! So you can get it all figured out and then let me know that would be great. You are so getting to be such a smart boy thinking about your letters and getting a wii and moving on to the presidential election. Don’t worry Bob I will let mom know that in this picture you are not wearing shorts it is your arm!!!! Anyhow, I hope you all have a great day today and I will be looking forward to hearing what the Dr has to say.

    Love Ya,

  4. It is always nice to check with the doctors and get some peace of mind. I know God is allowing Greyson this extra time so you three can witness to all those, parents and staff, in the NICU. Everyone who reads the blog is holding you up in prayer. You have touched so many lives and continue to do so daily. We love you and are praying that today the doctors will give you the needed information to help relieve some of the stress. Tickle Greyson toes for Grammie. Hugs to you! Mom

  5. Greyson, I think you must be one of the most photographed babies I know – it’s lucky you’re also so cute.

    We know that you are in good hands and we pray for healthy lungs and overall health.

    KJ wanted me to tell you that he was an alien today. He says it’s something you can look forward to. His hair was green as was his face and he made a dust mop dog with green plastic hair and one big eye that he pulled around with a string. He named him Pal. He said that it was kind of hard to get the green paint off his face, but figured that with your early experience with inked hands, it won’t be a problem for you.

    We send our love – sleep well little one and be well.

    Judy & Jim – Laura & KJ

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