Who is that masked man?


Well I was feeling a little better today and pretty confident that what I’ve got is not what is going around, just congestion from allowing myself to get run down, so I allowed myself to go visit Greyson today.  While I feel very certain I don’t have anything catchy, I made sure to err on the safe side and took extra precations to make sure I didn’t pass on any germs.   Greyson didn’t seem to mind being on my lap and I don’t think the mask freaked him out that bad.

Greyson had a two OK numbers today.  At midnight his c02 was 60 and at 10am it was 67.  They did an extra gas today to see how he was doing at the end of his canula time.  I’m not sure what that number means, but at least it was under 70 and it represents how he’s doing when he’s working the hardest. 

Stacy gave him another bath today and he got kind of cold after it.  After he was dressed Stacy pulled him up to her and he pulled his arms together in front of him and snuggled right up to her to get warm.  I missed this as I went to the store to try to get him a mobile.  I was unsuccessful in locating the one we need, but we will order it off the internet and get it to him soon. 

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4 thoughts on “Who is that masked man?

  1. Bob,I’m so glad you got to go see Greyson yesterday and that you feel better. Greyson you’re doing a great job, more money in your piggy bank that I was reading about yesterday. I will be there tomorrow and I can’t wait, it snowed here today, hopefully no snow tomorrow so I can fly out. I love you.

  2. Hey Bob, you look very good as a masked man…We are so pleased that Greyson’s numbers are staying lower..Great job, little man. Stacy, I’m just know the times you are holding Greyson are just the BEST…I can’t wait to see you all together in the comfort of your own home……Praise our God for how far he has brought you all. We are so thankful and just amazed…Sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful shower the other night. WOW. Greyson is going to be the best dressed little man in the state of Washington…..We love you all so much and think of you and pray for you all each and every day, many times….All of our grandkids crawl up on my lap every time I saw, “let’s check in with Greyson.” We are your biggest fan club…….All our love to you all…Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Aunt Sue and family.

  3. Now…we will believe things when Dr. Bob predicts. You look like a real doctor in this picture. I’m glad you got to go visit. To bad you weren’t there when Greyson was getting his bath. I can just see him snuggle down and getting real comfortable after being cold. We all like that. Thank you God for better gases. We have snow coming down today and very cold predicted for the next couple of days. We will pray for a safe trip for Grandma Terry. Love you…Mom and Dad

  4. Well young man, looks like you are doing well – and you have some money in your piggy bank, too. Keep up the good work.

    We like the picture of you and your daddy. We thought he was the doctor before we did the close up, but I bet he didn’t fool you.

    Rest well tonight little one and know we’re all praying for low c02’s.

    Jim & Judy, Laura and KJ

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