October 6

dsc_3681.jpgdsc_3684-oct-6.jpgSo we received some good news today.  Greysons drain was pulled out a little today (they take it out little by little) and the Dr. felt it was doing OK.  They also said that his PDA had shown marked improvement.  It could open back up again but for now it seems to be closing.  We had a bit of a scare while we were there, Greyson has a nurse and a nurse resident (nurse who is still receiving further training).  The resident nurse was suctioning Greysons lungs and there was a kink in the hose or something that had buzzers going off and clearly was not very good for Greyson.  The other nurse was gone because there was an explosion in Tacoma and the hospital was put on alert in case there was mass casualties.  Anyway another nurse (there are lots in the NICU at all times) came over and helped get things fixed.  It probably wasn’t as bad as it seems but it is very nerve wracking anytime something isn’t going quite right.  They have lots of buzzers and other things that go off and it really gets my heart going.  We are trying to learn what things not to be alarmed by, but this was clearly something to be alarmed about, although something that was fairly easily and quickly resolved.  Apparently there are some things you want to double check before you start suctioning so you can quickly fix it if there is a problem.

Stacy is doing OK with her infection.  It will take another day or so to see if the antibiotics are working.  Her incision doesn’t seem to be any worse so that is a good sign.  It will be so nice when we get her back to normal!

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