Mrs. Claus


Our family has an old tradition where Mrs. Claus visits on Christmas eve and gives all the kids a present.  The present is always new pajamas.  Well this year Mrs. Claus visited Greyson and gave him a new pair of pajamas too.  They were a little to big for him but matched his cousin Jon’s so Greyson thought it was really cool to have the same pajamas.

Greyson had a great day today.  He wasn’t to upset and did well with all his care times as well as with Stacy and I holding him (we took turns since we were there for so long today).  His blood gas numbers for midnight was 60, and at 1pm he still had a c02 of 60 so he seems to be doing much better now that he is on the DEX (steroid).  Hopefully he will continue to show improvement and will be able to advance further toward coming home.

Greyson had fun today suprising his mom with a special Christmas present.  When we arrived today and looked in Greyson’s crib we found a gift wrapped lying next to him.  On it was written, “To mommy, love Greyson”.  Stacy opened it and there was a necklace of a mother and child with a saphire (Greyson’s birth stone) in it.  I’m not sure how he got out and shopped for it, but I think he may have used my debit card, smart boy!

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6 thoughts on “Mrs. Claus

  1. Happy Birthday Jesus and Greyson’s three month old b-day. So glad that everything went well for you today. Your first Christmas as parents….pretty cool huh? I thank God for all three of you and the blessings that he has shown us through you. Makes for a very special Christmas. The PJ’s look great and we can’t wait to see him when he is filling them out even better. Cool gift Greyson….Mom’s love that kind of stuff!!! I hope that you have a great day tomorrow too. It just tickles me to no end that Greyson likes his toy!!! Im off to bed as getting ready for Santa really wears one out!!!! Love to all three of you.

    Merry Christmas

  2. Yes indeed, Happy Birthday to Jesus and Greyson is now 3 months old. He looks so cute in the pajamas. I’m glad the tradition will go on. All the cousins were wearing their pjs last night and were so excited. I was looking for the picture of Greyson in his suit with the tie. I’m praying Greysons’ numbers will even come down more, God is so good. Greyson will be home in no time now. I am so glad you had such a good Christmas with Greyson. Merry Christmas!

  3. What a wondeful Christmas for all of you! Praise be to God for having the gas numbers come down. I will continue to pray for Greyson and both of you. The pajamas look great—very cozy! What a neat tradition. Of course it would be Mrs. Claus delivering comfy cozy pajamas. She sure knows what is important:) It won’t be long until Greyson will be able to enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate in his comfy pj’s! Have a great day and Merry Christmas.

  4. Greyson and the two of you were on our minds all day, as you are each and every day. I am so glad that your day was so good. Next year we will all give Greyson our shopping lists as he did so good this year. What a special gift from Mrs. Claus. The pjs are very cute and fit! How nice to be so cozy in mom and dad’s arms. God has so blessed this family. Thank you Stacy for your love and patience waiting for baby Greyson to come home. Thank you Bob for your love and devotion for your son and wife, and for your wise and witty words for all of us to enjoy every day. I read the report, wipe the tears, compose myself and then reread it to Papa, then we both wipe the tears of joy. Aunt Katie and Uncle Shad send their love! Hugs to you all!!

  5. Merry Christmas! Love a guy that knows how to shop!!! I know you day was great simply because you were all together. We continue to hold you in our prayers. Three months old on Christmas day…how cool is that! It’s hard to even imagine where he will be in another three months. Thanks for keep up the site so all of us can share in your big adventure. And by the way, how are we supposed to find a rock in grams?!?!?!

  6. Merry Christmas!

    He looks great in his PJ’s. Mrs Santa gave Isaac a pair just like those. They are pretty cool.

    Greyson you are looking so good. Happy Birthday to Jesus and to the BABY as Rylee says everytime she sees Greyson.

    Love you all. Our prayers are being answered. Praise God.

    Great Aunt Nana

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