You can’t keep me silent forever!


So last weekend (wow has it really been a week already!) I saw Something in Greyson’s mouth (other than his hands which are constantly in there).  When I pulled his hands back I realized that he had somehow got his cuff into his mouth and he was chewing on it.  I think this is because the cuff was full which means no air can get up to his vocal cords, making him silent.  I’m convinced he was chewing on his cuff to let some water out so he could make noise again.

Tonight he was sleeping soundly as Grammie Joe held him but then he woke up and now is refusing to go back to sleep.  He is obviously very tired but just as he is about to drift off to sleep he will thrash around and wake himself up again.  If only he could recognize how GOOD sleep is!!!

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6 thoughts on “You can’t keep me silent forever!

  1. You’re talking crazy talk! A baby that actually likes to sleep. haha i think all parents want that. even here we have so many of the babies that love to fight the sleep away.

  2. I’ll bet Grammie Jo is having a great time with little Greyson. I know I did and I can’t believe it has been almost a week since I was there. Give him a kiss for me and tell him I love him and miss him. All of you have fun and thanks for keeping up the blog.

  3. I pray you all have a great weekend. Give Greyson some love from us. I am so glad Grammie Jo gets to visit and get her fill of Greyson love.

  4. Hi Greyson, Stacy, Bob & Grammie Jo.

    We think Greyson is an intuitive learner – he just knows!

    We wish you all a wonderful weekend together.

    And Greyson, remember how I usually sign off – REST well and be well!

    Judy & Family

  5. I’m so thrilled that Grammie Jo is there to have a wonderful weekend with you all……I know how very much she has wanted to be there….I pray God will fill every moment with His amazing love and peace……Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy….Hugs to you alll….I love you all, Aunt Sue

  6. Ok so really… we need to be concerned about Greyson chewing on this cuff? Being silent would suck and I cant say that I blame him for trying whatever is necessary to be heard but is it safe? Silly boy. Glad to hear that Gramma Jo is having some good times with Greyson. Have a great rest of the weekend.


    Aunt Tam

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