Mom’s Funny

Well this was a fun video so we thought we would include it on such a good day.  This has been a great week for Greyson!  Today is his would’ve could’ve should’ve been born day!  Yep today is one year from his original due date.  So this week we saw the Neurologist who said he was showing good progress in his development (we knew this!).  We also saw the Urologist who had an ultrasound done to look at his kidney stone.  Well his 6mm stone is now 3-4mm.  Yep it is about half the size it was!  The Urologist was shocked and said there are only  a few types of stones that can dissolve and even if you have the right kind they rarely do.  So we will keep praying that it will continue this great trend and dissolve all the way! Then today he got his second Synagis shot (Ouch!!!)  and saw the Pulmonologist.  He said Greyson was doing great and ordered a trach cap (this blocks the trach so Greyson has to breathe completely out of his nose and mouth) and a sleep study to see how he does with his trach cap and no ventilator.  While in the office the Dr. blocked Greyson’s trach with his finger for a couple minutes and Greyson did so well you wouldn’t have even known it was blocked!  In fact Stacy didn’t until it was over.   If the sleep study goes well they will schedule a bronchoscopy to see how his trachea is doing and if there has been any damage from the trach.  If that all goes well we will progress on to taking the trach out.  This could take some time and will depend on all of these studies going well but we are progressing again even though it is winter because Greyson is doing so well!  Praise God for all He has done for our little guy! 

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4 thoughts on “Mom’s Funny

  1. I love this video! It got me giggling along with him haha! I can watch it over and over and it makes me laugh everytime haha! You were right, very good blog entry tonight 🙂

  2. This was a very happy day and I am so excited. It is because of Gods answer to prayers and such wonderful parenting that Greyson has had this wonderful day. It gives me goose bumps to think of all that God has done for Greyson. I really don’t think we can grasp even all of it only god knows. The video is adorable and it is fun to watch Greyson and Stacy have fun together and that we get to share it too.

    I can’t believe how the time goes though, so enjoy every minute because they are like a wink and the next thing you know they are all grown up.

    Love ya
    Grandma Terry

  3. Grandma Terry said it all to well. None of us can grasp what God has done. We will continue to be praying for the progress that has gotten Greyson to this point. We were very disappointed to wake to freezing fog this morning and very slick roads which sealed the decision not to come. The very cute video helps but we are saddened we can’t be there to do the tickling. One of these days soon buddy! Thank you so much for sharing with us the news and video. What a wonderful blessing you three are to us. Hugs…Love Gram and Papa

  4. Greyson – Happy Day little one. You can celebrate your “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve been born day” again on Tuesday when your belated gift arrives.

    And we thank God for your progress and pray that it continues. You are just doing so well.

    Thanks too for the darling video. It made our day!

    Take care and be well,

    Judy and Family

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