Raise your hand if you’re going to church today.


Yep today was the day Greyson finally made it to church.  Actually he went twice, in the morning and evening.  This morning he did good until the sermon and then coughed and started screaming….I mean crying, and had to leave.  I missed the drama as I was downstairs in children’s church scoping out my new job.  All in all he did well and it was fun to show him off to all the people who have been praying for him for so long.  His dedication is just two weeks away (August 3) so we thought it would be good to give him a test run before he goes in front of everyone for his dedication.

OK so I have a story from last night.  As most of you know I (Bob) take the late shift which means I stay up till between 2 and 3am with Greyson.  Well last night we had him in our bed and I was getting his 1am feed prepared.  Stacy was sleeping away but as I got ready to feed him Greyson was getting a little fussy and Stacy woke up a little.  I was trying to cover all the basis to make him less agitated (feed him, change his diaper, suction him) and decided maybe I should change his diaper while I was feeding him to make him more comfortable faster.  Since Stacy was “semi” awake I asked her to hold his feeding tube while I quickly changed his diaper.  Less than a minute into changing his diaper Greyson gave a big swing with his arm, caught the feeding tube and pulled it out of Stacy’s hand, this caused the feeding tube to dump milk all over Greyson, the bed, but mostly all over Stacy’s head.  Stacy just laid there going “what happened” as she tried to wake up and fully comprehend why there was milk dripping off her head.  It was pretty funny actually.  From now on I think I’ll stick to one thing at a time, oh and I’ll let the sleeping parent sleep rather than trying to enlist their services during their sleep time! 

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5 thoughts on “Raise your hand if you’re going to church today.

  1. Greyson looks like such a big boy all dressed up ready to go to church. He is so cute. The early morning feeding disaster does sound pretty funny, probably wasn’t as funny for Stacy at the time though. I can’t believe we’ll be there in 2 weeks, what a big day that will be for us.

    Love you

  2. We love the picture! How cute is that!??!?! It looks like he is giving a little sermon of his own. (Or maybe he is telling about the funny story of the milk!).

  3. Great picture and I can guess whose sense of humor he has.

    Good night young Greyson and be well – take it easy on your mom and enjoy your early morning time with your dad. Somehow those hours are precious.

    Judy & Jim, KJ & Laura

  4. Bob- Didn’t you know men can’t multitask?? HAHA now you know, and have seen what happens when one tries! hahaha!

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