Bond, James Bond


Today was a very LONG but great day.  It started early as we loaded Greyson up and headed to Kingston to catch the 8:30am ferry.  We did and went to Seattle where Stacy bought me some new shoes for my birthday.  Greyson was very good as he waited in the store while I worked at finding a good pair.  Then we headed to Tacoma for Greyson’s Dr’s appointment.  We were early so we took Greyson into Baby’s R us and bought a couple toys and misc. things.  That’s where we got the picture of the sunglasses.  He didn’t care to much for them so we didn’t buy them, but it made for a pretty good picture. 

Greyson saw the neurologist today and he felt like Greyson was progressing well.  We think he may have a sleep disorder (can’t remember the name) but it explains why Greyson thrashes violently in his sleep at a certain point during the night.  At this point it is nothing to worry about (unless you are sleeping right next to him and he hits/kicks you!).  After that we went to the lab and got some blood drawn for labs and then we met up with Ashlie, Jamie, and Corinne (NICU nurses we are friends with) and went to Applebees to hang out and catch up.  It was a blast!  While we are much happier at home, we truly miss the wonderful friends we made during our time in the hospital.  Tacoma has some amazing nurses in both their NICU and PICU.  We are very grateful for to be able to call them friends.

So Applebees is the correct answer to the question no one asked of “where will Greyson’s first restaraunt visit be to?”.  He sat on his dad’s knee for a lot of the visit and listened to us as we shared funny stories and just had an all around good time.  The waitress was even nice enough to pose for this picture to commemorate Greyson’s first time.  I think Greyson is trying to order something while we took the picture, that’s probably what the extra item on the bill was from!  (**that’s a joke there was nothing extra on the bill, and in fact I don’t think Greyson ordered anything, although he did make some noises a couple times………..)What a good day!

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8 thoughts on “Bond, James Bond

  1. I think the glasses are great! Tell Greyson it takes a while to get use to them but when he does he will really be a “ladies man!” It sounds like a big day! I agree that those nurses at the hospital are my heros! I am glad you get to still see them and they get to see Greyson as well! Have a great night! We do love you!

  2. It sounds like you had a great day out as a family and to be able to spend time with the nurses was a bonus! God sure has done, and is doing, wonderful things with your family. Take care, Dawn

  3. Wow what a handsome young man, you look like a movie star already. So glad to hear everything was good at the drs. How cool you can still stay in touch with the nurses from NICU, they are so awesome.

    I can’t wait to get to come play with you, in a little less than 3 more weeks.

    Love ya

    Grandma Terry

  4. It was so wonderful getting to visit with you guys today. Greyson gets more and more handsome everytime I see him. Bob, you should be happy you don’t have any hair because it would turn grey trying to keep the girls away from that handsome little man. LOL I can’t wait to come visit you guys up in Bremerton. Until then, give my little man a kiss for me…Oh yeah, a pinch on the cheek as well.

  5. Just checking in on you guys, wowsers, Greyson is looking great! Glad you’re weaning off the vent and were able to enjoy the party on the 4th.

    Your friends in the deep (humid, mosquito-ey) South,

    The Gorskys

  6. I had such a wonderful day with the Westfalls! Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to hang out with us. It is such a pleasure to see Greyson progress. Hopefully he slept well tonight after the long day.

  7. I have to tell you how much I enjoyed todays blog and the one of Greyson feeding himself. I’m not sure what happened to the picture, when I opened the blog all I could see was an ear. Bobbi was here and I down sized the pic and there sat that beautiful baby with a spoon and I tell you I cried like a baby. I had to compose myself and wait to respond. Then we re-opened it and looked at some of the past pictures so Bobbi could catch up with you guys. How wonderful that you are out and about. God continues to bless you in big ways. We have all formed an attachment to you three during all this and can hardly wait for a family reunion. Maybe we should start planning one for next summer. Take care of yourselves. You are so loved. God Bless You!!!!!

  8. What an absolutely wonderful outing for the three of you! Wow, Greyson, when you go out, you really do it up! And Applebee’s – certainly a favorite of mine!

    We enjoyed your glasses – you did indeed looked Bondish. And KJ says althought glasses are cool, he doesn’t wear his several pairs often because they bug him, so he leaves them in one car or the other. At least they’re there when he wants them.

    Good night all – sleep well young Greyson and be well.

    Jim & Judy, KJ & Laura

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