Wait you can’t eat those, they’re fingers!


Well it’s 10:23 and the kid is FINALLY drifted (not sure drifted is the right word here, but oh well) off to sleep.  He almost went to sleep a couple times earlier, but something woke him up again and made him unhappy.  Anyway he’s just been fed, medicated, and now is asleep so maybe he will have a solid nights sleep since he didn’t sleep much today.

We got his lab results back and everything looked OK.  He did have a couple areas that were low, but from what I researched on the internet it is not a problem if these areas are low, only if they are high so we are moving forward. 

As you can see from the picture we had some fun playing today.  Greyson continues to be a lot of fun.  It was warm here today so right now Greyson and I are listening to the sounds of outside as the window is open.  As the room cools down we’ll close it, but it’s nice to hear something besides the machines, not the mention the fact that it is ….ok sorry for the interuption but I had to go burp (well actually it’s vent) Greyson.  I’m probably a wacko (easy with the comments on that statement!) but I really enjoy venting him.  You take a tube that is very similar to his feeding tube, but with a longer tip and shove it into his g-tube.  If he has gas, it makes this great sound as the air comes rushing out.  Probably sophmore humor because I also like it when you hear him “self vent” ha!  Still impresses me that he can be so loud when he is such a little guy, I love it!

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4 thoughts on “Wait you can’t eat those, they’re fingers!

  1. You are such a nut, Bob. The burping part definately came from you dad. You and Greyson look so cute playing together. I am glad he is doing well and hopefully that kidney stone isn’t causing too much trouble. I hope Stacy is doing better, and getting some rest. It is interesting on how informed you have become on everything. Well take care all of you and tickle Greyson for me.

  2. Greyson, you Dad has such a sense of humor.

    Glad to hear you are setting in well and we will pray that Mom feels better real soon.

    Thanks for continuing to share the updates.

    Rest well young Greyson and be well.

    Judy and Family

  3. Oh Bob! What in the world would we do without you! You are a hoot! I agree with Mom. Your dad would be proud! Maybe you should teach him the sign..:) How wonderful that you can open the window! That had to do everyone some favors! Hopefully this weather will stay!
    Hope Stacy is feeling better. Give Greyson a kiss for us!

  4. You two boys sure look like you were having fun! Hope Stacy is feeling better today. Bob you sure know how to put a smile on our faces. Better be careful what you are teaching that son of yours. It is so awesome to hear some normal things happening at your house, like trying to get someone to sleep! I can remember those times. It is very warm here today. Glad it is nice there and you can have the windows open some. The fresh air will be good (I think) for you all. Loving you!! M & D

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