you left an open spot dad.


Greyson was pretty sleepy today.  He did play some with Stacy, some with me, and some with his nurse.  Once while the nurse left him alone in the living room to get something out of his room he swatted his ball that was hanging over his crib so hard he made it come loose.  I was in the other room and when the nurse and I went in to watch him do it again he just kept looking like “what?  Nothing to see here” and didn’t do anything but suck on the back of his hands. 

Well it’s off to bed as we have to get up early enough to get Greyson ready and to the Dr’s first thing in the morning.  The good news (for Stacy) is we have a nurse coming from 9-1 tomorrow so she will not have to go it alone all day.

The big announcement for tonight is that I finally got Stacy out of the house!!  She went with our friend michelle to the movies.  It sounds like they enjoyed the movie and had a good time getting out.  Stacy really needed to get out and visit with someone so it was good that she could do it.  This left just the boys at home alone for about a half an hour before the nurse got here.  It was kind of nice having a little guy time.

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5 thoughts on “you left an open spot dad.

  1. So I guess the big question is….Do you reserve the right to refuse service to anyone? I mean if I make a trip to Bremerton only to find out you might be closed for the day I would be pretty bummed! 🙂 Mom is coming soon so you will have some company and Deb is working on trying to finish up this school year and I am just trying to get the kids through the last part of this school year. Dont worry we will be planning a trip. I am so glad Stacy was able to get out and have some fun.

    Love Aunt Tam

  2. I am so glad Stacy went and had some fun. It is also good to hear that you do so well on your own that Stacy would leave you alone with Greyson. Some fathers would have a little trouble with that. I’m not so sure your dad could have, he couldn’t hardly change a messy diaper let alone suction someone.
    Can’t wait to see how the drs. visit goes. Give Greyson a kiss for me.

    Love mom

  3. Way to go Bob! Good for you Stacy! and what a good little fellow Greyson is!! I’m glad you got to go to the movies and I knew Greyson’s Dad is an expert and can handle everything. It is important to have adult contact. I will be anxious to hear about the doctors appointment. This Grandma has a sore throat this morning so guess she won’t be coming to visit this weekend. It breaks my heart as it has been so long since we have seen Greyson. School will be out soon and we will come and have some relaxing time. I will be praying for a wonderful day and great news from the doctor. Hope you get the lab results soon. We love you! Mom

  4. Hey, same pic from the time before? What is up with that? Greyson deserves better and so do his loyal fans! 🙂

  5. Hey you guys sounds like your settling in with no problems. Hope the Doc’s appointment goes well. So glad to hear that you insisted that Stacy get out and have alittle girl time. I swear thier making husbands in a new mold now days. Or is it that wives just train them at a younger age. I’ll proably get in trouble for that remark!! Kidding aside you two are a remarkable couple and Greyson is such a lucky little guy and how loved he is. Sounds like both his Grandmas can hardly wait to come and see him. It will be fun for him to be home with family. Take care of each other. Bye for now.

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