Who wants to go for a walk?


Well the big day has finally arrived.  No not going home day, but getting out of the room and going for a walk!  Tonight we loaded Greyson up in his brand new stroller (we had to buy another stroller for twins due to all the “accesories” Greyson has to travel with) and went for a walk about the hospital.  We walked around his floor and then went down through the cafeteria and down to the second floor where lets just say we dropped in on some old friends.  You would have thought Greyson was a celebrity!  Lots of people gathered around and were taking pictures, it was quite the ordeal.  The only down side to the whole deal was that Greyson was all tired out and basically slept through the whole experience!  How’s that for timing?  Finally gets to get out and see the world (well hospital anyway) and all he does is sleep!  It was late so I guess it is good that he’s sleeping during this time.  I have to admit I was a bit nervous for a variety of reasons.  First time taking him out (we had an RT with us the whole time as backup), then by going to see old friends I was worried we would get people in trouble, then his sats dropped a little but came right back up.  Anyway with all that I was extremely excited and nervous, which led to me sweating like crazy!  So we have video of the experience (thanks family for the camera!) but it is way too late for me to try to get that together and onto the blog so you’ll have to live with the pictures.  I was gracious and am including three pics to symbolize the magnitude of the day though.

Part of Greyson being tired could be because Stacy and I gave him another bath tonight.  This time we did it completely by ourselves.  No one else was in the room.  We also did his trach care (minus the duct tape) basically on our own as well.  We did make sure to check the trach ties a couple times to make sure everything was good.  We are feeling pretty comfortable with everything and are slowly getting used to moving Greyson around with his tubing.  That means we are ready to bring him home!  Tonight we learned how to work the stroller (had to have our RT wait an extra half an hour as we figured out how to hook it all together!) and load everything up.  I was tempted to just walk out the door to the car, but I decided the RT may not think that was such a good idea.  Keep praying for those nurses (the ones we need to hire for home care!) as that is the main thing standing in our way right now.

Ok it’s rather late and you all should be in bed.  Are you?  If not, why not!??  I’m going there right now.  Tomorrow I have to try to wake up and get to work for awhile before jetting to the hospital to be trained on the ventilator by the home supply RT.  Basically this is redundant training since the hospital staff trained us but the home suppliers have to do it and it never hurts to go over this stuff extra times so we know it inside and out.  Sleep well everyone and thanks for your prayers and encouraging words!

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8 thoughts on “Who wants to go for a walk?

  1. It is so exciting to hear of your adventure, but sad that Greyson basically missed it. You’ll just have to go again when he is awake. He sure looks comfortable in his new stroller, and he can have lots of good time in that. Quite an undertaking for you and Stacy but it is so good that you aren’t afraid to try. We’ll keep praying for nursing and things to come together.

    It won’t be long now. Love you guys

  2. Robert is sounds like your family is getting closer to that home coming that the both of you have been waiting for. It is amazing to see how far you all have come. And to have a buggy ride in comfort of mom and dad, he did not need to be awake he know he was loved and cared for. We miss you in the NNU cohort. Blessing to you and yours as the days pass closer to a welcomed home. Cheryl Haney

  3. I am so happy that you guys included the NICU on the walk. It was amazing to see Greyson in his stroller. I only wish I had more time to visit. You guys will never get us in trouble by stoping in. In fact, we want you to stop in and say hi. Give Greyson a big hug for me…I miss him already and it has only been 9 hours. But then again who’s counting. 🙂

  4. Hey Greyson!! It is so good to see you out and about. I haven’t checked up on you in a couple days so it was pretty exciting to see what progress you are making!! You’ll be home soon! Let your mommy and daddy know we are still prayin’ hard for you and so glad to see God’s miracles at work in your life.
    Love You!
    Your cousins in Burns, Oregon
    Jimmy, Jenell, Isaac, Elizabeth and Gabriel

  5. That is so cool that you guys got to go around in the stroller! and come visit the nicu! i bet all the people that saw him here loved it! I’m so excited you for you guys i bet you guys are getting really anxious. and stacy i wanted to thank you again for giving me that book and introducing me to that series of books they have really helped me alot with different things. I will you all three of you in my prayers along with a nurse for you guys!

  6. I’ll say you all had quite a day. How absolutely wonderful to know things are going so well. And yes, we are praying that the nursing component falls into place soon. Homeward bound, what a day that will be.

    You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

    Rest well young Greyson and be well and Stacy and Bob, keep on being the best of all possible parents. You’re both just amazing.

    Judy & KJ

  7. What a wonderful day and the pics turned out just awesome. It is so exciting to see Greyson get out in his new stroller and the three of you together on your walk thru the hospital. You guys have really worked hard together as a team and your labor of love for Greyson is going to be so rewarding for you all as you get nearer the time of going home. Exciting just to think of you three, and will remember the needs for the nurses that you need to go home.

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