Well if you want my opinion….


Man I love my son.  I can’t begin to describe how much joy he brings me.  I know the same is true for Stacy as well.  We are so incredibly blessed.  Today as you can see Greyson spent some awake time interacting with us.  It is so cool to see him look around and focus on things.  We took a toy frog shaped like a rattle in and have been showing it to him for the last few days.  It is interesting how the longer he looks at something the more he focuses on it.  It seems like each day he looks at this toy more.  We are hoping the mobile we ordered for him comes today so we can take that in for him to look at. 

Basically nothing new on the medical side.  His c02 was 65.  He did see the pulmonologist who really just suggested they start Greyson on lasix to help him pee off excess fluid.  He also suggested working at keeping Greyson’s oxygen saturation above 90 percent.  This means they may be giving him more oxygen to keep him up there but should not be a problem since he is older and his eyes should be able to handle the extra oxygen now. 

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5 thoughts on “Well if you want my opinion….

  1. Bob and Stacy, Those of us that are already parents and grandparents can and do completely understand your first sentence. I just doesn’t seem possible to be able to love alittle person that much does it and just think the our God loves him and us even more (now that’s a big one).
    Greyson is such a precious boy and I know I use the term Precious alot but it just describes him for me…..We are all so blessed by him. He just gets cuter by the day and we pray that today will be a GREAT one for all of you…..My love, Aunt Sue

  2. He is soooooooooooooo cute. And believe it or not Bob people would be concerned if you didnt make statements like your first sentence! It is the coolest thing to think how much you LOVE to watch him even though he may be sleeping and to think that God likes to do that to us!!! He Loves to just watch us sleep!!!! What a awesome father! I would say that you are well on your way to becoming one yourself. How long has it been since Greyson was on Lasix? Maybe that doctors suggestion is all Greyson needs to help him breath a little easier. I know that by Greyson breathing a little easier it would sure help his dad to breath a little easier! We love you three so very much and only want good things for you.

    Love as always,


  3. Greyson will love his new mobile, I can’t wait to see it myself. It is the most wonderful miracle of all having a child. When you have your first one you think it is impossible to love more but when other children come along you do. Having grandchildren is indescribable, it is impossible to explain how wonderful it is and how much you love them until you have them.
    Greyson looks so cute and at least his numbers are under 70. The rt the other day said bouncing him helps gets the co2 out, she really did bounce him and his numbers were good (59) if I remember correct.
    I love watching you and Stacy having so much fun with him, enjoy every minute you can because they grow up way too fast.

  4. Friday won’t be here soon enough. I can hardly wait to play with Greyson. Hopefully all his numbers will be really good and we can read stories and play. We all love him so much and love his Mom and Dad so much. God is loving Greyson, as well, and will watch over him. Love to you…Mom

  5. So young man, Gram and Papa are visiting today? Should be lots of fun for everyone. Tell them “Hi” from us.

    You are really getting to be a big guy and we already know you’re a cutie.
    Your piggy bank is getting heavier too – hurray – good job! It even has your name on it.

    We all continue to pray for healthy lungs and that you get to go home soon.

    Good night little one, sleep well and awaken to a fine tomorrow.


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