I love toys!


Greyson loved his frog so much that he didn’t want to put it down even when he fell asleep.  He actually held onto it for a few hours and kept his hold even when waving his arms around.  He also had his first phone conversation with his daddy who couldn’t come today.  I could tell that he could hear something but I’m not sure he had the look of recognition on his face, more like confusion. 

Greyson had very good numbers today, showing that he is indeed getting much much better.  His Co2 was 52 and his ph was in the normal range.  The doctors are fine tuning the exact drug and vent combinations to make these terrific results.  We are encouraged by this progress. 

Greyson also had an echocardiogram again today.  The Dr said his pulmonary hypertention looked better although it isn’t all the way cured yet.  He was encouraged by the results that they have seen in this short time.  They are also taking a second look at his PDA.  We haven’t talked about this in a long time, but it is still open.  They also found another area in his heart that is basically the same as the PDA, it is something that should have closed but remains open.  On Friday he will be the subject at a “cardiology conference” where a bunch of doctors will review and discuss his conditions and decide what actions are needed if any.  Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed and fearful when I hear that there is yet another issue to discuss or explore.    I’m praying that God will help me trust and will bring me peace.  Thank you to all of you who are praying for those things with me and Bob.

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13 thoughts on “I love toys!

  1. Hi Stacy, You know there are so many of us praying right there with you many times each day and night for our precious little Greyson and for you and Bob to have peace and strength and encouragement. Praise God for the improvement yesterday and know how thankful we are for the better numbers. I will especially pray for the meeting of the doctors tomorrow and hope they are able to come up with good solutions. Bless his llittle heart. This is such a wonderful picture today…Thank you again for sharing with us. We love you all soooooooo much.. Aunt Sue.

  2. It’s great to see Greyson starting to play again! What a cutie!!! Hang in there and always we will pray for you three, as well as the doctors to do what is best for Greyson! You are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers!!!

  3. Yea!!! Love to hear that Greyson is showing improvement. We will pray for today when the doctors meet and will continue to pray for all of you. God will give you strength. Be encouraged by just knowing how many people are praying and trusting God that he will do more miracles in Greyson’s little body. Thanks for the great picture. Im so happy to hear that Greyson is feeling well enough to play a little!

    Love you,


  4. You do have a Greyson fan club. I have three Churches prayer groups praying so the lord is diffently hearing our prayers. He is so sweet. This picture he looks so peaceful.

    Stay strong and remember the lord only gives us as much as we can handle. You must be someone very special.

    Our prayers will be on guiding those doctor tomorrow giving them wisdom beyond understanding.

    Love you all.

    Great Aunt Nana

  5. That is sure a strong grip. The pictures of Greyson are so precious, and am so encouraged to hear about the improvements. Stacie, Bob and Doctors are continually being lifted to God and for your meeting today., and we are placing you all in God’s strong capable hands. Peace and Love to you, Stacie.

  6. As always you three or the center of our thoughts and prayers. We will have to see about getting Greyson another toy like the frog so he won’t get bored with his toys. What a sweetheart he is and what great kids we have raised to be his parents. God has so blessed my heart knowing he has molded you both to be such caring and wonderful parents. We all are learning what courage is about. God has been there with Greyson all along and I am sure today and the days to follow will be no different when the doctors come together and make the next decision. Something I have learned is about encouragement. I am so encouraged when we hear about progress and you must also be encouraged to know so many care and are praying for you three. Hugs to you Mom and Dad

  7. It is so good to hear there is more steps in the right direction. We’ll definately pray for the drs. to make all the right decisions for Greyson tomorrow. There is so much prayer going for Greyson and so much love and concern for all of you that God is in control of everything. The verse Psalm 121.3
    He who keeps you will not slumber. It is comforting to know God never sleeps and is always watching. Love you

  8. Hello, I am just so touched to see the progress of Greyson! God has His hand on this child! He is beautiful.
    Our family will pray for the upcoming decisions, and also for You and Bob to have peace and strength.
    God Bless, The Ford Family

  9. Stacy and Bob,
    Such great news to hear that Greyson is again improving. You all remain in our daily prayers and offerings. God is the only source that can give you the strength you need. His will always brings us closer to Himself, even though it is difficult for us to endure at times. Know that we think of you all and pray for you everyday. We love you bunches and send Greyson 5 cheers from Burns!
    God Bless and keep you,
    Jenell and family

  10. Dear Little Graysen, Not a day goes by that youare not in our thoughts and prayers. We ask our Lord each day to hold you in His hands and continue to let you grow strong enough to be able to go home with your Mommy & Daddy. You are loved and cherished little one. God bless and keep you.

    With Love, “Auntie” Mary & “Uncle” Tom

  11. Hi Stacy & Bob,
    I enjoy (well sometimes it’s a little more like crying with you) reading the blog and seeing all the photos of Greyson. Thanks so much for sharing his progress. He has certainly grown a lot, hasn’t he? Looks like he’s growing a bit of hair too. Your stamina in coping with Greyson’s ups and downs is amazing, but we know where you draw your strength from. I hope this new “up” is the beginning of a long but rapid climb out of his difficulties. You are so right that he is a real fighter. You look good in the photos Stacy. you look calm and peaceful. Motherhood clearly suits you.

  12. Every day is a victory!! We want you to know as we all have said many times befor, YOUR IN OUR PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS EVERY DAY. We Love You All. God Bless You and Keep You Strong. Such a precious little guy and wow once you get him home you’ll have a determined little fella on your hands. What a blessing that will be. He’s a fighter thats for sure. He’s much loved.

    Love and Prayers
    Aunt Fran and Uncle Dick and Family

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