It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but there is a tube in my nose!


Today we put Greyson’s mobile up for him to look at.  I think he liked it, but is still dealing with being intubated as well as all the drugs he is on.  So he looked at it, but it didn’t astound him as it has in the past.  He continues to do OK, as the Dr. said during rounds he is taking baby steps towards getting better.  While we would rather take BIG steps, he is in fact a baby and baby steps towards improvement are at least steps in the right direction!

There really hasn’t been much change in his condition.  His blood gas (at least this mornings) was better.  The ph was in range and the c02 was in the mid 60’s.  His blood pressure has been on the high side and his vent pressure (the pressure it takes to give him a breath) has been higher than yesterday most of the time we have been here, but since they repositioned him it is looking better.  He has also come down a little on his oxygen level, although that is still a lot higher than we would like.

We had dinner with a couple of Greyson’s NICU nurses.  It was really nice to sit and visit with them.  They continue to encourage us both through conversations with them or notes that they leave.  One NICU nurse left us a nice card as she visited late last night after getting off work. 

Today as I was preparing for my next sermon (I’m preaching again March 2) I was reading the parable of the persistent widow.  This parable reminds us to pray without ceasing and with the expectation that God will answer our requests.  I know God has this situation in control, but also know that as his children we are free to petition him.  It is our prayer that he will work again in uterly miraculous ways to bring healing to Greyson.  While we know this can happen and pray that way, we also are willing to submit to God’s plan knowing He may be using this time in ways we cannot see.  As always our primary prayer is that God would give comfort to Greyson, and that God would be glorified through this process. 

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5 thoughts on “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but there is a tube in my nose!

  1. Praise the Lord for baby steps. Persistence pays off and I know there alot of people praying for Greyson. I wish I could hear you preach, that would be a great birthday and since I am a widow , quite appropriate. I’ll have to pray about that. I’ll be praying for more baby steps or giant steps if Greyson feels upto it. Love you mom

  2. Yes, thank you Lord for baby steps and for your unending faith in our God who we all know is with you every minute of every day and loves you all so very much…Bob and Stacy I am just so amazed at your grace each and every day and just want to tell you how through this whole time you have helped so many gain a closer more meaningful relationship with our God just by watching your walk…People you don’t know and may never know have been so touched by the whole story and are just in wonder of it all….I just can’t thank you enough for continuing to share with us all. We love you so much and will pray today has some bigger steps but if God only wants baby steps we will be thankful for them as well…Please know you are continuously in our thoughts and prayers…Aunt Sue

  3. I have felt all along that God is using you three to reach so many others. He shows us that he is caring and giving Greyson baby steps to better health is part of his plan. We thank him for those baby steps. I pray that God will give you Bob and Stacy peace and comfort in knowing he is in control. How nice the NICU nurses are to keep in touch with you. They are a very special group of people. We haven’t meet the new nurses and doctors yet but know that God is only going to place the very best to care for Greyson. Wishing you all a great day! Love Mom and Dad

  4. Greyson – We are praying that your “baby steps” continue forward each hour of each day.

    And we decided that we couldn’t add anything more uplifting than the comments from your Aunt Sue, so ditto.

    Rest well little one and be well.
    Judy & KJ

  5. What is amazing is how you are reaching those who are not Christians, and you may not even know it. I fall short every day in my walk, however, you will not believe how much stronger and faithful I have become in my walk and my prayer life secondary to beautiful Greyson. I have lifted him up to my church, and my bible study group. We are ALL pulling for Greyson………….he is so precious. We do know that God is in control of this situation, and we trust that He will do the best for your son.
    I read the web page every few days and I feel like I am right there even though I don’t know you all that well………..however, truth is……..we are brothers and sisters, and that is pretty neat!!!!
    God Bless…………..sweet dreams tonight sweet Greyson…………..sweet dreams, mom and dad……….

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