Hey guys, how have you been?


Today Greyson “woke up” and started looking at us.  This is the first time he has opened his eyes and actually looked around.  It was so great to see his eyes again!  Before when he would open them you could tell he wasn’t really there due to the drugs, but tonight he was all there and expressing himself quite well with his beautiful eyes.  He seemed fairly happy and spent a lot of time looking at both Stacy and I.

Greyson got a lot of visitors today.  His pastor stopped by to check on him and while he was there two friends came up from the NICU to visit.  They encouraged us a lot and we are so blessed to still have them as a part of our life.  It is a little challenging as they are not allowed to visit until after their shift (so they don’t pick up any bugs and take them back to the NICU) so we may not see many of the evening shift, but so appreciate knowing they are pulling for us.

We met with Greyson’s pediatrician this morning and believe he is going to be an excellent Dr. for Greyson.  All Stacy could say as we left his office was, “man, he’s tall!”  Basically he will be the central point person who helps us stay on track with all the Dr’s and specialists that will be a part of Greyson’s life once he comes home.  We also met with the pulmonary specialist and got a lot more good information about Greyson’s prognosis as well as the trach plan and how that is going to all play out.  He was optimistic but did inform us that  in all likelyhood this is going to be a long process. 

Greyson made it off the NO today (nitric oxide) and was able to make it through the day without receiving anymore of the muscle relaxers.  While his numbers are still not good (pressure on the ventilator and blood gas) they were slightly better than yesterday.  We are praying he will continue to recover and soon his numbers will be where they should be.  His Dr. thinks Greyson will be well enough to do the trach surgery sometime next week.

We know that God is in control and believe that Greyson is in His hands.  It is not easy to watch at times, but we know that God has great plans for Greyson’s life and pray continually that Greyson’s life would bring glory to God every step of the way.  Tonight we were praying with Greyson before we left and I prayed (as I often do with Greyson) that Greyson would know God’s peace.  Right when I said that Greyson jerked his arm as if to say, “yes!!”  He certainly is an amazing little man and we are very proud to call him our son.

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7 thoughts on “Hey guys, how have you been?

  1. Hi Bob, Stacy and Greyson,
    It sounds like you all had a pretty good day. Praise be to God! I agree, it is nice to see Greyson’s eyes again. He is such a cutie! I just love seeing the “picture of the day” and reading about what God is doing in your lives. I will continue to pray for you all. Take care. Dawn

  2. How wonderful it was to see Greysons’ eyes. It must have been so much fun for you and Stacy as it sure was for me and I just saw the picture. Thank you God for making Greyson a little better every day. He is such a miracle baby and we love him so much.
    I love seeing the picture of the day, as well as the captions. Thank you for letting us be a part of this wonderful story of Greyson and how God is working through his life and yours.
    I remember when the dr. said there was a glimmer of hope back before Greyson was hope. Just look at that glimmer of hope now.

    Love you

  3. Thank you all again for sharing with all of us…What an encouragement it is to see those beautiful eyes wide open again and here of his progress. We praise you God and thank you for each and every small step and for helping us all to realize how much you love Greyson and how you are in control of every step…I’m so thankful that you feel good about the new doctor..That is so important, I just prayed all day yesterday that this one will be the right one for Greyson at this very time….Thank you Lord…I love you Bob, Stacy and Greyson and pray today will be even better that yesterday……Aunt Sue

  4. The coolest thing about prayer is that we can do it whenever we want!!!! Refocusing our thoughts and minds to be on God just talking to him if he was sitting right next to us has been pretty cool for me these last few days. I know God is listening to us and knows what Greyson needs and the WHOLE plan for his life. Greyson is so amazing. His eyes really do tell it all.

    Love you three,


  5. What love you see in those eyes. If we could see Mom and Dad’s eyes we all would be blessed with the love they share with their son. We are thanking God for each little improvement and will continue to pray those improvements continue every day. We are holding you up in prayer and know God is listening. We are praying for the doctors and nurses who are taking such good care of Greyson. Blessing to you all.

  6. Wow look at those big blue eyes!!! I’ll have to tell the Seaton girls that they don’t have a corner on beautiful babies with blue eyes. We are encouraged that baby Greyson is awake. God Bless his little heart! We have him on the prayer chain at church, we have also asked for special prayer from the pastorial staff and we pray with every thought of him. Bob and Stacy we want you to know you are in our prayers and thoughts all the time. Our hearts are full of love for you guys. You whisper in Greyson that he has a whole big family of Aunts and Uncles and cousins that are sure eager to get to know him. Gods Best to all three of you. We Love You so.
    Aunt Fran

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