Happy Valentines Day!


Greyson celebrated his first Valentines Day by getting a picture of his heart!  Pretty fitting day for an echocardiogram don’t you think? 

Bob and I both stayed home today.  He is still coughing quite a bit and even though I don’t have any symptoms I am just too worried about transmitting something to Greyson to take the risk.  Bob may have RSV which is extremely contagious and can be transmitted even before you know you have it.  We have been working hard to keep me well with lots of handwashing and by generally avoiding each other.  It made for a kind of lonely Valentine’s Day but we can talk to each other on the phone from opposite ends of the house. 

We have been calling in at the middle and end of each shift today to see how things are going with Greyson.  He has been sleeping a lot and has been cuddled by lots of baby rockers and nurses today when he was fussy.  The doctor called tonight to give us the results of the echo.  It looks like the right side of his heart is still the same as it was a month ago, a bit thickened due to increased work load from the Chronic Lung disease.  The left side is changed as it is showing some thickening also due to the steroid use.  They plan on keeping him on the CPAP full time and when his CO2 levels are good they will decrease the steroid use and try to correct this problem.  Then we will just play the waiting game for him to get off the CPAP.     In the big picture we know that God has Greyson in his care, that he is there with him all the time, and that he has a plan for all of this.  When I get discouraged about spending more and more time in the NICU I try to remember that God’s plan is bigger than I can see.  I pray that the Lord will use this time, Bob, me, and Greyson to reveal His love to those we meet there.  He is already revealing it to us through His amazing, sustaining grace.

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5 thoughts on “Happy Valentines Day!

  1. God is sure teaching us to wait on Him because that is all we can do. Greyson is in His hands as well as you and Bob. Parents want to make things better for their children even when they are grown up but of course I can’t so then I just have to remember you belong to God and he will take care of all of you and I just have to trust Him. I am so sorry you had to all be apart on Valentines’ day but love has no boundries – love is in your hearts. Happy Valentines Day

  2. I know it’s hard not being here, but I just wanted to let you know that I am keeping a good eye on Greyson at night. I hope Bob gets better soon, and I hope that you don’t get sick as well. Hope to see you guys soon!

  3. Stacy and Bob you are doing an excellent job at doing your part of being a parent! I do hope that Bob gets well as Greyson does more than likely miss him! I look forward everyday to see the changes Greyson has made and being 10 lbs 1 oz wow there is progress! God is with all of you and He is getting Greyson well but sometimes things are not in our time its in His time! Take care and you will be in our prayers.


  4. Thanks to all the nurses that watch out for Greyson when you can’t be there! They are my heroes! What an overwhelming job they have but they do it with so much love and compassion! Thanks Stacy for keeping the updates coming when Bob is sick! We love hearing from you too! Take care and know that you are loved!

  5. We rejoice in the wonderous progress Greyson has made and I know that God is watching over him and caring for him.

    Waiting is so very hard and you are both truly amazing in your steadfast love and faith. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch and the day you are able to take Greyson home.

    Rest well little one and be well and rest well and be well, Stacy and Bob.

    Good night,

    Judy and family

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