Now’s the time mom, let’s make a break for it!


Greyson did OK today although he still had many episodes of crankiness.  Part of it was gas, part of it was reflux, and part of it was being tired.  No new orders or changes to his plan so really not much to report from today.  It was hard to leave him because he was crying so much.  It’s really hard to leave him when he’s awake, and even harder when he is awake and unhappy. 

Tonight was the night of the big baby shower at church.  I haven’t looked through all the bags but it looks like we got a TON of stuff.  It’s a good thing we took two cars as our Kia Sorento was full and there was no room for Stacy to ride home with me!  I was stoked as I even got a gift.  Shaun got me and Greyson matching mini frisbee golf discs.  I thought about taking them into the NICU tomorrow to play a round with Greyson but think only bad things would probably result.  I’m not sure the arm hole of an isolette would be an appropriate hole to shoot at.  Not to mention the “kids in cribs” hazard.  I’d hate to see one of them get hit with a slightly off target disk.  So I guess we will wait till he comes home to begin his frisbee golf training. 

Greyson’s c02 was 65 last night.  We are hoping it stays under 70 as he settles into the steroid weening process.  If he can hold his own as he gets off the steroids it will be good for him.  Yesterday I forgot to report that he had an echo of his heart to see if the steroids were causing any thickening of the left side of the heart muscle.  The echo showed that the left side was fine but the right side showed some thickening.  This means the DEX is not causing the heart to thicken, but because his heart has to work harder due to the chronic lung disease, the right side has thickened.  Over time (as always) this should get better as his respiratory problems improve and his heart doesn’t have to work so hard. 

Well it’s late and there are lots of new things to look at!   

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7 thoughts on “Now’s the time mom, let’s make a break for it!

  1. oh my goodness..Greyson has the “Bobby line” across his forehead!. This picture is just adorable. Sorry to hear that Greyson has been so fussy but glad to hear that his numbers were good. Lets hope that the number tonight (actually he should have already had it) was good. Stacy I hope too that you had a lot of fun at your shower. Even though Greyson wasnt able to be there with you Im sure he will be excited to hear about all of his new stuff! The quiz meet went well. Aly, Jon and Raina all got Gold metals and Lizzy got a Bronze. Pretty smart kids we have! With all of the “sons” in Genesis the kids think of Greyson a lot and it is cute to hear them pray for Greyson. We will continue praying for lungs…for heart…for rest…for a fast track home!

    Love You,

  2. Bab and Stacy-

    I am an RN in the NICU at TG. I just wanted to say thank you for this blog. I check it even when I am at work, because I love to hear your take on things. Thank you for your honesty. You are an inspiration. Please don’t feel like you need to temper your feelings or thoughts. I think your willingness to share is one of your greatest strengths. You three are in my thoughts and prayers.


    (Bob, I know you check these before you post them. You don’t need to post my comment, I just wasn’t sure how else to write this to you. Thanks).

  3. Stacy what fun. We all love you. You’ll have to let me know what you need if anything. Cause I have been waiting for this shower to see if there was anything you were specifically lacking in.

    Greyson sounds like he is holding his own. Our prayers are with you. He sure looks so happy in your arms Stacey.

    Glad you got your camera working Bob. We love those pictures.

    Have a great day and we will pray for Greyson to settle down and enjoy the day also.

    Aunt Nana

  4. Sounds like yesterday was a fun day even if Greyson wasn’t having such a great one. The echo news is great. We will continue to pray for everything to happen as it should and in due time. He can only get better with all the new stuff waiting for him at home. How fun! As always God is great and in control. We just have to be patient. Not always easy…. Grammie can hardly wait to see all the new stuff and to be with all of you again. Blessing and prayers for a great day! Hugs…Mom

  5. Sounds like the shower was wonderful, I would have liked to have been there. However, 5 more days and I will be there to see you 3 and hold Greyson again. Today is Greysons’ due date and I am praying it won’t be long until he will be going home. Hopefully his gasses will be good again. He is so cute and I can’t wait to see him.

  6. Glad you liked the BOY gifts 🙂

    Aaron and I had a blast decorating them!

    Won’t be long before we can gather at the first Tee-Box!
    Time FLIES!


  7. Sounds like a fun shower. We wish we could have been there! I love the pics when you guys are holding him over your shoulder! Those are my favorites! I agree with Tammy, he does have your wrinkled forhead…hum… wonder what that means!
    We love you!

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