Swing Time!


Tonight we’ll start with the facts.  Greyson is 7 pounds 13 ounces.  His c02 last night was 61.  I am very tired, yet very anxious to hear what his numbers are for tonight, so I may have to stay up to hear them.  Last night I stayed up and called in around 1am to get the numbers and then had trouble sleeping.  So I started playing risk on the computer.  Bad idea.  I got back in bed around 3am and man was I tired!  So I’m laying in bed almost asleep when the phone rings.  Never a good thing at that hour of the night.  I then looked at the caller ID.  “Unknown name, unknown number” showed up.  Nooooo….that is what shows up when the hospital calls and they don’t call at 3am for something good.  So I take a huge breath and answer the phone.  “Is Bob Westfall there?” asked the lady.  “Yes this is Bob” I replied.  “This is so and so from such and such alarm company, we are showing an alarm at the Bremerton Nazarene church.”  Alarm company!  YES!  Someone is just breaking into the church there is nothing wrong with Greyson!  I was so happy. 

Today Greyson was in this swing when we came in.  He really seemed to enjoy it.  He was just swinging back and forth sleeping for several minutes.  Then all of a sudden he got really fussy and I leaned down to comfort him.  Well he made quite the stinky noise.  So when Stacy and I went to change his diaper we had quite the experience.  Now we have gotten pretty good and working together to change his diaper, but now Greyson has a wedge in his bed to keep him propped up to help with reflux issues.  The nurse said we could use the end of the bed, but that we should probably not leave him level very long as he was still in the middle of being fed.  So I was holding Greyson at the end of the bed keeping him propped up while Stacy started changing his diaper.  He was a mess and so she started raising his feet to see underneath him and make sure he was getting all cleaned up.  Well as she raised his feet, I raised his head.  Pretty soon we were changing his diaper in the air while holding him about 3 feet above his crib.  One RT walked by and said, “what in the world are you guys doing?!!!”  I’m not sure if you can picture it but it was really quite comical. 

Oh by the way, after going down to the church it was a false alarm, it wasn’t getting broken into.  Anyway today was a tough day for us as Greyson was really upset for large portions of the time we were there.  We think the problem was reflux and he was crying so hard at times I thought he was going to make himself pass out.  This is probably just a part of parenting but coupled with everything that has happened and where he still is it was very hard to watch. 

He also seemed to be struggling with his breathing a bit so we are wondering if he is going to be able to handle the new canula, cpap schedule.  It’s pushing him a lot and coupled with the fact that he didn’t get any steroids yesterday may have been to much for him.  We’ll see what his gas is tonight to give us better insight into how he’s doing.  This is the main reason I want to wait up and call in tonight to find out what the numbers are. 

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6 thoughts on “Swing Time!

  1. Very Sweet. Even though we cant see his face very well he looks very comfortable. Thanks for your promise to keep giving it to us as it is also :). Greyson is sure a “big” deal for so many people since the beginning of the blog we look forward to seeing and hearing from you. The whole diaper changing in the air sounds hilarious and I can picture it very well. Lucky for the both of you he was finished! Hope that last nights numbers were good as today is a no call day! I will have to wait for the blog tonight to hear. Have a good day today…yes, even at staff meeting :).

    Love you,

  2. You have given us enough information to make the best mental movie of you two changing Greyson’s diaper! Beings as we have had a few of our own “changing diaper” moments, we can appreciate the story. Sounds like you two are working as a good team though and that will help you through alot! We are sorry Greyson was fussy yesterday on your day off, especially when you were so very tired. Hopefully today he will be happy and full of smiles! He is adorable in the swing though and looks very comfy! We love you!

  3. Greyson looks so sweet in the swing, isn’t that cool they do all those things for him. Your diaper experience would have been fun to have a video of, Greyson probably wouldn’t think so though. I was hoping you would post the midnight gas results since you were staying up but I can wait. Hopefully today will be a better day for him.

  4. Thanks for another great visual story. I can picture the two of you lifting him up higher and higher. Although…I see you (Bob) lifting him up just to see what Stacy would do. We love you, and continue to pray for Greyson’s growth.

  5. Sounds like you have diapering down to a fine science.

    We are thinking of you and keep you all in our prayers.

    Rest well little one and may God speed your wellness.


  6. I stumbled across my CPAP machine today and instantly thought of the kid. Let the boy know that I violently abused the torture device and left it in its bag with an expletive. I just thought my phsycopathic reaction might bring him the joy that it has brought me. Please don’t forget to mention this to him!

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