Is all well that ends well?

I think I’ve had it.  As I have already stated Stacy and I have been feeling pretty weary lately.  Well today I just felt like the world was coming to an end.  Stacy called me at work just after 9am to give me the nights report (we didn’t wait up and she said she’d call and find out for me).  I could tell something was wrong by her voice, but didn’t say anything because I could have been wrong and didn’t want to borrow trouble.  Well she told me that Greyson’s c02 for the night was 83.  What!!???  How can he jump 22 points in one day while still on steroids?  I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach.  All I could think about was that he must have an infection or a collapsed lung.  What else could explain such a dramatic jump in his gas?  Stacy told me that they were going to recheck the gas at 10am and see where he was at that point.

Well if you didn’t know this about me unfortunately I can be a bit single minded.  I didn’t really get any work done until after 10.  My mind was racing and I was stuck with the feeling that this lung issue is only going to get worse, not better.  Finally a bit after 10 I finished up what I was working on (well trying to work on anyway) and headed home.  When I got home Stacy hadn’t called yet so I waited with her to hear the report. 

Oh today we also had a tree removed from our house so that was going on while all this was happening as well.  When I got home the tree which used to lean towards our neighbors house (the reason for having it taken down) was now leaning much more towards our house.  They got it down OK and it was really cool to watch how they did it.  Sorry this is not a blog about tree removal…I’ll get back on course.

So Stacy called and at 10:30am his c02 was 61.  Yep, it was really good again.  So what happened last night?  Who knows.  They are doing a chest X-ray tomorrow to see if it shows anything, but since his numbers came back so much better it could have been something that was just happening at the moment they drew his midnight gas. 

So the moral of the story?  I’m not sure but the truth is God is a good God and worthy of our trust.  He has assured us time and time again that He is in control and not to freak out, so what do I do when a bad number comes?  Freak out!  I’m hoping we don’t have to test whether or not I’ve learned that lesson. 

So here are two more pictures to show just how far Greyson has come. 


the first picture was taken at the end of October, the one on the right was taken today.  Yes the lungs are frustrating, but God is still growing an amazing boy right before our eyes!

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5 thoughts on “Is all well that ends well?

  1. You just have to be so thankful for the growth he has given Greyson so far. Hang in there. I am so sorry we can’t bear some of your troubles. The picture is so precious. As always you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Love you all..Mom and Dad

  2. My name is Tessa, I am a friend of Phyllis Ryan, Debbie Ryans’ mother-in-law. You do not know me, but I know you. I know that sounds funny, but my Husband and I are struggling with infertility and around the time Grayson was born Phyllis shared your story with me, and has kept me updated. Your family has touched me and I love hear all about him and how much I know God has a hand in this! Your son is beautiful! You remind me of all the miracles God gives, and to always have faith even when it gets hard. I also want to tell you to keep your head up, and you have support around every corner. Pray for you everyday!

  3. There are so many people like Tessa that have followed Greysons’ story
    and we don’t even know about. It shows you how God has had a plan in little Greysons life already as well as the faith you and Stacy have shown through this. I am so proud of you two and Greyson. I had a hard time with the news yesterday as well, my heart seemed to just stop and my stomach felt sick. I think God would expect us to be upset about the situation but the secret is to keep our trust in Him. I’m praying today is a much better day and that Greysons’ x-ray turns out fine.
    Love you always

  4. Greyson….. little man…you always keep us guessing. I have (insider)information as I cant help myself and find myself calling Bob everyday on my lunch to get the midnight gas from the night before. So…..I know that this story turns out good for tomorrow. However, I do want you to know that no matter how hard a situation seems at the time you WILL look back at it and will be stronger because of it. Debbie is watching me type and lets just say that it is not a good thing….:) We love you so very much and please know that we want to do all that we can to encourage you. Please “LEAN ON ME” when you need strength.

    Love you,

  5. We are so thankful that the cO2 is back down. What a scare. We pray God’s healing power continues to touch and heal Greyson’s lungs.

    Perhaps your “‘Diary of a Miracle”, as I call it, should be published as a testiment to God’s great goodness and in celebration of your miracle. It would surely offer hope to those who are beginning the path you have traveled.

    Blessings on you three and good night little one, sleep well.


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