Since it was thanksgiving and Greyson had to spend it in the hospital, they decided to do arts and crafts with all the babies. This is Greyson’s hand print that they turned into a turkey for us. I think he had a little help but man did he do a great job!
He was also very excited to meet his aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron for the firs time. As we were talking about what we are thankful for, Greyson said he sure appreciates all the people who are praying for him. His parents are very thankful as well!
Happy thanksgiving everyone
Hello Bob & Stacy, I just wanted to say hi and that Nathan & I are continually praying for Greyson. He looks so awesome, just looking at him and watching the video makes me feel so happy for you guys and it brings back so many memories. Happy Thanksgiving to, I hope it was great!!!!
Isn’t God amazing. He just works in wonderful and mysterious ways. I know Tammy has told you about our Miss Eva Marie. She is doing so awesome and is off her ventillator all day and only on it when she sleeps. So much better! We are getting annoyed of all her machines. But she’ll be off them in no time, we just need to be patient. I hope your sister has been sharing Miss Eva’s photos with you so you can see how she has progressed, and I have to say cause I can the CUTEST! lol hee hee
Well just know that we are here for you if you have any questions or if you need to vent to anyone. We know what you are going through and we can be a sholder and a rock for you any time you need one. Hope to meet you guys some time when Mr. Greyson is out of the hospital. Eva would love to meet him.
God Bless you three and know he is continually healing and always there for little greyson.
The Sebright Family
Nathan, Rachel & Miss Eva Marie (aka Micro Preemie-24 weeker Survivor)
We are thanking God for each day he has chosen to share this little life with us. What a blessing! This has been a Thanksgiving we will never forget. God is so great. Love you three so much. Mom and Dad, Grammie and Papa to Greyson!