It’s good to be king.


Sure it’s not the most comfortable thing being hooked up to a ventilator with a tube down your nose.  All in all though the people around Greyson (parents, nurses, respitory therapists) work pretty hard to keep him comfortable and happy.  He looks pretty content most of the time.

Nothing really new again today.  They made some vent changes to continue to try to get him in the range he should be.  There was some more discussion of putting Greyson on the surgery schedule for the end of the week, but we will have to wait and see as always. 

Greyson seemed to be smiling a bit today.  It is still on the verge of whether it is a smile or not and what it is in response to but it was fun to watch. 

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5 thoughts on “It’s good to be king.

  1. Greyson you do look better! Hopefully you are feeling better too. I know that your Mom and Dad are anxiously waiting for you to be able to play with them, but it is good that you are taking small steps in the right direction. Everyone will just wait for you to let us know when you are ready to play :)I hope you know just how much we love you and how special you are! Hang in there little guy you are doing great!

    Aunt Tam

  2. What a sweet picture! Looks like Greyson may even see the morning sunshine. Praise the Lord for the little steps you are making Greyson! We love you guys so very much! Mom and Dad

  3. Hmmm – yep – looks like he has a pretty “cushy” bed to enjoy! lol You guys are doing a great job keeping him comfortable.

  4. Greyson,

    We tried to get a graphic on the blog that said “Celebrate – 5 months”, but it didn’t work. You should know, or perhaps you’ve already guessed, that I’m somewhat computer challenged. Anyway, I tried. So, “Happy 5th Month” Greyson.

    You are indeed looking so very much better. I like your bed and mobile and I’m glad you have a view. Natural light is pretty neat and it’s uplifting, so mom and dad benefit from it, too.

    We are adding our prayers to all those others for a safe and problem free surgery. Yet, another step on your way to going home with mom and dad. Keep getting better and better.

    Rest well and have a good nap little one.


  5. Stacey and Bob,
    I love being able to keep up on Greyson’s progress by reading your blog!! I have had another commitment this week after work so have not been able to drop in after my shift to check on you guys. Please know I am thinking of you three often and cont. to pray this process will be over soon so you can be at home together. I hope to see you soon. Give my little buddy a hug from me. Cathy

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