Today turned out to be a great day. Why? Well Greyson woke up and played with us today. He hasn’t been awake and interacting with us since his PDA ligation, so it was great to have him wake up and play with us. Today we played “get dad’s nose” the advanced version. It was great! He definitely has a strong personality.
He continues to show some improvement. Nothing major but seems to be back to where he was before his PDA ligation, so we are excited about that. They are decreasing the amount of sedation he is getting, which makes him more able to interact with us. They will work on this for awhile but probably won’t take him all the way off till after his next surgery. Following that surgery he will be out again for about a week in order to ensure everything has time to start healing up before he is moving around much. We are praying that his vent settings will continue to improve as we wait for the surgery, and that he will recover quickly after it is over. Today was good evidence that the rest of the week waiting for surgery will at least be full of play times. These make waiting bearable as there is nothing like looking into Greyson’s eyes and having him interact with you.
Well I’m off to pick up dinner. We are eating out/in since the cafeteria is closed today for a scheduled power outage.
I am pretty sure he gets that devious side from his father however I think he is awfully cute and very sweet. He must get that from his mother, I am just kidding Bob. It is always nice to see his eyes and he really looks like he is smiling in this picture. It will be interesting to see next weeks pictures as he wakes up and plays more. Won’t it be great in the next couple of weeks to see his whole face and I bet he will really be smiling then to have those tubes out of his nose.
Have a good night Love ya
I agree with Grandma Terry. It does look like Greyson is smiling at his Mom and Dad. Right now we are all smiling knowing things are getting better with each day. We continue to pray for a speedy healing process and comfort for Greyson. We are thanking God for giving you all a great day today. May you be blessed with many more!! Greyson is such a cutie. We love you all so much. Hugs and sleep well. Mom and Dad
I Really Love tonight’s picture of Greyson. That is such a sweet smile, and he’s trying to wake up and say “High” to the camera!! Keeping up the prayers for the CO2 number count to go down to last weeks numbers and that second round of surgeries go as smoothly and quickly heal. That is so GREAT to be able to play with dad’s nose.
God’s Blessings of Peace and Rest to you three,
Love ya all,
What great news! I bet it was fun to play! Enjoy!!! Tell him we love him and continue to send good wishes his way! 🙂
We’re so glad to learn that Greyson is doing well after his surgery. Now, for some restful, healing days before the next surgeries. And when he’s ready, we pray for skillful surgeons and complete, comfortable healing for Greyson.
We think of you all and know that you are having great times with your son. I remember the game about the nose, it is, indeed, a favorite.
To you Greyson, and mom and dad – rest well and be well.
Good afternoon young Greyson and enjoy your day with mom and dad.
Judy and family
Stacey, Bob and Greyson,
No, I have not forgotten about you. I have had the upper resp sinus crud. and have been home in bed (literally) since Thurs. (Wasn’t feeling to great Tues or Wenesday but not sure if it was allergies) I finally got up and dressed this afternoon. I have been praying things went well with the PDA. I just got up to date tonight with your blog. I will cont. to to folllow and know I am thinking of you three. Give my little buddy a big hug for me. God’s Blessings Cathy