Title contest #2


OK I thought this picture was extremely funny but couldn’t quite come up with a caption for it, any ideas?  Here are a couple I came up with:

1.  Mom, did you see my cool mobile?

2.  OK mom, but then can I go play?

3.  Are you sure?

Today was a fantastic visit with Greyson.  Stacy called in the middle of the night and found out his c02 was still at 66 (up one point from the night before but below 70 which we can live with!).  When we got to the hospital he was asleep but soon woke up and played with us for about an hour.  We gave him another bath today and just had a wonderful time with him.

So what made this a fantastic visit?  Well the first was that Greyson got some nasal canula time again today.  He has been restricted to the cpap since Saturday for having such high blood gas numbers.  Today he got to be on the canula from 2-6pm.  That was good but what really made it a great visit was the fact that while he was on cpap he was only requiring 21-24 percent oxygen (we breath 21 percent in case you forgot!) and on the nasal canula he was only requiring 32 percent.  This is significant because when I last saw him on thursday he was needing 30-33percent on cpap, and 40-45percent on canula AND he was having trouble keeping his oxygenation level up.  Today he did this and barely set off his alarms all day.  This made for a nice visit. 

Of course it wasn’t perfect, they ran his gas at 6pm to see how he did after 4 hours on the canula.  His c02 was 75.  Not what we hoped for but the encouraging thing was that his blood gas showed improvement in other areas (I only report on c02, but the gas consists of a lot more complex stuff.  So things like his ph was better which is good even if his c02 number wasn’t).

This is significant because what they think happened last weekend was that the diuretic drugs they were giving him caused his body to become to acidic.  This caused his body to actually retain c02 in an effort to help correct his metabolic acidosis.  It’s all very complicated but basically his metabolism was messed up so he was keeping the c02 in his system.  So the drug he is on now helps him decrease his acid level which should help him release excess c02.  He is very fragile and it is difficult for the Dr’s as they give him drugs to try to help one area can cause another area to go out of wack. 

On a slightly different note Shaun has put a link together for easier viewing of all the pictures.  You can access it by going to (http://westfall.raquet.net/GreysonWestfall/Greyson%20Westfall.html) Enjoy.  Shaun also was also able to pull up the statistics for this web blog, it is averaging 100 hits a day!  I must say that was very shocking.  Thanks for reading everyone it’s nice to know you care!

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4 thoughts on “Title contest #2

  1. Oh we do care sooooooo much….thank you again for sharing and we are
    just praising with you that Greyson’s #’s are better and he is looking so great. What a wonderful picture of him with his mommy. I’m thinking he is saying, “Golly Mommy, you are so pretty and you’re all mine.” Isn’t it the most wonderful thing when they really look at you with love in their little eyes….I just love that…We love you all and continue to pray that today will be another great day and we know that God is hearing all the prayers and has His hands on Greyson every minute….Aunt Sue

  2. Wow, isn’t that amazing how many people look at the blog? Greyson, you are a star already, actually a bright and shiny star.
    I am so happy he is doing better and that they figured out probably what happened. God is so good and faithful.
    As for the title, my first thought was Are You Sure?, but since you said that I came up with
    Did God do all that just for me?
    I love this picture it is sooo cute.

  3. Mom can I have another bath today? hUh? Wonderful picture. He just keeps getting cuter every picture. Glad to hear that you had a great day. We will continue to pray though and praise God for the wonderful news.

    Love you,

  4. Wow – what great news. Keep up the good work Greyson.

    Bob and Stacy, your updates are great and we just keep praying that Greyson’s numbers will keep improving!

    As to one of the cutest pictures I’ve ever seen – I think this works too: “Aren’t I just the cutest guy you’ve ever seen, Mom – Huh, huh, huh?” He is just an absolute doll.

    Take care and good night little one, rest well and have another good day and another and another.


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