Another day

november-7-018-2.jpgell today is a new day and a better day at that.  Greyson received another blood transfusion last night as well as got started on a couple asthma type inhaler medicines.  This with the chest therapy (mini massager used over his lung) all seems to be helping.  His oxygen requirements were lower today and they say they can hear better breath sounds from his right lung (the one that had the partial collapse).  There is a lot of junk in both his lungs (read secretions) but with the therapies and a lot of suctioning it seems to be getting better.  He had a couple episodes of dsatting coupled with brady’s (oxygenation going way low followed by a significant drop in heart rate) but nothing like yesterday and all was made better simply by giving him more oxygen for awhile. 

Today while Stacy was cleaning his face she touched the q-tip to his tongue and he made the funniest face.  His eyes scrunched down (not his mad face, but kinda shocked) and he closed his mouth in a funny way.  As she cleaned the goobers (medical term) from his face it was almost like he was playing with her.  This coupled with his wide open eyes made for a great time of interaction in the midst of all his episodes.

His latest “trick” is to hold his breath, usually when he is stretching or moving about.  This is something that we do naturally when we move around but with Greyson being hooked up to a ventilator it makes an alarm go off everytime he does it.  The alarm is for the vent and asks “tube obstructed?”.  As soon as he stops holding his breath the alarm goes away.  It’s amazing to me how many alarms the little guy can set off at one time.  Yesterday he managed to have four alarms going off all at once.  One for low oxygenation, one for obstructed tube, one for being cold, and while all this was going on he ran out of food which set of an alarm for that.  It’s a crazy world he lives in sometimes.

Well as always there is rarely a dull moment with Greyson.  We’ll see what tomorrow holds!

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