It’s OK, I can do this myself!


OK a couple of housekeeping things before we go any further.  1.  If you want to see a bigger version of the daily pic, just click on it and it will open a larger version in a new window.  2.  The time is slightly off so the blog will usually show up as being one day ahead.  ie.  I write it tonight (friday night) it will post as if I wrote it on Saturday.  So the blog is always a day behind even though it says it is for the current day.  Hope that clears up any confusion.

 OK where to start.  Everyone is probably dying to hear what the decision was with the steroids so………Let’s start by telling you about the crib debate.  No not between Stacy and I.  When we arrived at the hospital Greyson was pushed up against the wall, facing the wall.  I immediately asked the nurse if he was in time out.  He wasn’t but they (the nurses) were having a debate about whether to take him out and put him in a crib.  Seems he has been running a bit hot in the isolette yet is not the approved weight to be released from the confines of the isolette.  After much debate it was decided to leave him where he is for now and watch him. 

 So After the debate was over we did the care time and then they decided to see how he might fair in a crib by allowing me to hold him wrapped in blankets so we could watch his temperature.  He was wide eyed and aleart, but really fussing for the first hour.  While taking his temperature he clamped his arm down and Stacy finally said, “OK you hold it!”  which he did!  After an hour we repositioned him and he calmed down and slept pretty soundly until I couldn’t take it anymore and had to put him back in the isolette.  He then slept like a log for the next couple of hours.

So what of the steroids you ask?  Well the truth is we don’t know.  Last night (after the update) his blood gas was pretty good (57).  Then at midnight it had crept up to 61 which was not a positive sign.  Well the Dr’s decided to leave him alone until noon for his next gas.  This gas came back with a CO2 of 47 which is great!  No changes have been ordered and we won’t get another gas until midnight tonight (friday) so we will see what is happening then.  We are praying God will continue to touch him and he will be able to make progress on his own without the use of the steroids, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens tonight/tomorrow.

Greyson is looking really good now, the puffyness is basically completely gone, and he lost about 30 grams today in his weight (remember this is good as he had previously gained way too much too fast).  Tonight he weighed in at 3lb 5 ounces.  He probably needs to hold steady for a couple more days in order for his real weight to catch up with what he is reading, but things are looking better.  Thanks to everyone for holding us up during this time, and especially keeping Greyson’s lungs in prayer as he really needs to get off the vent so his lungs can heal. 

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