Happy Halloween! Can you guess what my costume is?

October 27 030 October 29 021a October 29 020

A ring finger!

Well here is another pic of greyson dressed up.  Not really for Halloween, but just to look really cute.  Today Greyson was put back on the conventional vent (did I call it or what?  Man I should be in med school!).  So far he seems to be doing well.  He is running lower on his oxygen (about 25 percent) and his blood gasses have been pretty good.  On the other vent he was at about 40 percent oxygen.  He continues to be labile, which means he will be stating 100 percent on his oxygenation one minute and down to 60 percent the next.  This up and down can be scary but they say it is normal for preemies and we are learning to cope with it better.  Hoepfully he will continue to do well on this vent and we will be able to hold him again soon.

Other than being really cute and sticking his tongue out at us it was a pretty normal day.  It is amazing how quiet it is in there now that he is back on the conventional vent.  We had gotten used to the noise of the jet vent and forgot how loud it really was.  I think Greyson is much happier on this vent, hopefully his blood gasses will stay good so he can stay on it.

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